This version is YANKED. Please use otaclient v3.8.2 and later. The release packages are removed to prevent accidentally installation.
What's Changed
New Features
- feature: introduce firmware package control for NVIDIA Jetson device by @Bodong-Yang in #376
- feat: add jetson-uefi boot control support, refine jetson-cboot boot control implementation by @Bodong-Yang in #300
Bug Fixes
- fix: proxy_info: allow to set string value to local_ota_proxy_listen_port field by @Bodong-Yang in #326
- build(deps): bump to simple-sqlite3-orm v0.2.1 by @Bodong-Yang in #369
Improvements & Refinements
- refactor: improve the performance of active slot scanning by @Bodong-Yang in #308
- refactor: project re-struct phase1, use hatch as build tool by @Bodong-Yang in #310
- refactor: project restruct phase2 by @Bodong-Yang in #311
- refactor: implement new ThreadPoolExecutorWithRetry to replace RetryTaskMap by @Bodong-Yang in #314
- refactor: refine log_setting to support new src layout by @Bodong-Yang in #317
- refactor: rpi_boot: detects slot by partition layout, not by checking slot fslabel by @Bodong-Yang in #321
- refactor: rpi_boot: use chroot to run flash-kernel, ditch double reboot strategy by @Bodong-Yang in #318
- refactor: retry_task_map now takes initializer and initargs params by @Bodong-Yang in #324
- refactor: create_standby: add semaphore during delta generating to limit pending tasks in memory by @Bodong-Yang in #320
- refactor: implement downloader as a library module, provide Downloader and DownloaderPool by @Bodong-Yang in #323
- refactor: DownloaderPool: implement watchdog func for breaking on max idling timeout by @Bodong-Yang in #351
- refactor: re-implement the OTA progress stats collector by @Bodong-Yang in #352
- refactor: otaclient module: restructure OTAUpdater, flatten nested internal methods by @Bodong-Yang in #353
- refactor: refine persist_file_handling internal implementation by @Bodong-Yang in #354
- refactor: ota_proxy: use simple-sqlite3-orm instead of vendoring an orm inside otaproxy package by @Bodong-Yang in #363
- refactor(otaproxy): refine the implementation of cache streaming by @Bodong-Yang in #370
- refactor: project restruct phase3 by @Bodong-Yang in #375
- refactor: include new protobuf generated code generated with new build system and grpcio-tools==1.57.0 by @Bodong-Yang in #379
Build, CI & Dependencies
- ci: fix sonarcloud setting by @Bodong-Yang in #315
- ci: minor fix to test CI by @Bodong-Yang in #316
- deps: bump requests to 2.32 by @Bodong-Yang in #319
- ci(pre-commit): add pre-commit-hooks check-yaml and check-toml by @Bodong-Yang in #328
- ci(deps): enable dependabot version updates by @Bodong-Yang in #327
- build(deps): Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #329
- build(deps): Bump zstandard from 0.18 to 0.22.0 by @dependabot in #333
- ci: deprecate the old proto version tracking github action by @Bodong-Yang in #338
- build(deps): Bump pytest-mock from 3.8.2 to 3.14.0 by @dependabot in #337
- build(deps): Bump MishaKav/pytest-coverage-comment from 1.1.51 to 1.1.52 by @dependabot in #341
- build(deps): Bump pydantic-settings from 2.2.1 to 2.3.4 by @dependabot in #349
- build(deps): Bump pydantic from 2.7 to 2.8.0 by @dependabot in #347
- build(deps): bump to use pyyaml 6.0.1 by @Bodong-Yang in #350
- build(deps): Bump uvicorn[standard] from 0.20 to 0.30.1 by @dependabot in #348
- build(deps): Bump aiofiles from 22.1 to 24.1.0 by @dependabot in #343
- build(deps): Update cryptography requirement from <43,>=42.0.4 to >=42.0.4,<44 by @dependabot in #357
- deps: loosen the deps version specifying by @Bodong-Yang in #366
- ci: introduce test for multiple OS version(ubuntu-18.04 and ubuntu-22.04) by @Bodong-Yang in #368
- build(deps): Update aiohttp requirement from <3.10,>=3.9.5 to >=3.9.5,<3.11 by @dependabot in #373
- build(deps): Bump zstandard from >=0.22,<0.23 to >=0.22,<0.24 by @dependabot in #356
- ci(proto): introduce modern build mechanism for generating otaclient service API proto package by @Bodong-Yang in #377
- ci: minor fix to release ci by @Bodong-Yang in #380
- ci: introduce ruff as linter by @Bodong-Yang in #381
Docs Updates
- docs: cleanup the old out-of-date docs by @Bodong-Yang in #307
Chore & Misc.
- chore(tools): remove out-of-date unmaintained tools by @Bodong-Yang in #313
- chore(tools): add a simple tool for triggering OTA update locally by @Bodong-Yang in #325
- chore: sonarcloud: exclude protobuf generated files; release_ci: only publish artifacts on release event by @Bodong-Yang in #378
- chore: prepare release for v3.8.0 by @Bodong-Yang in #386
Other Changes
- ci: depbot: enlarge open-pull-requests-limit to 10 by @Bodong-Yang in #345
- ci: configure github action release notes generation by @Bodong-Yang in #387
Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.8.0