Rsdice is a diceware password generator written in rust
The recommended way to install rsdice is through cargo install
Assuming you have cargo installed, this will compile rsdice and add it to your path.
Executables for your platform may be available in the latest release. Check the releases tab of the github page (
Simply execute cargo build --release
, and the rsdice
executable will be found at target/release/rsdice
You can run rsdice with no arguments and it will generate a password with six words using the short wordlist. For password customization, please refer to the help message:
rsdice [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-i, --internet get random numbers from an internet source ( rather than using the built in random
number generation
-l, --long use the six dice word list instead of the four dice one
-m, --manual manually input dice rolls rather than using the computer
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --file <FILE> manually specify a wordlist, rather than using the built in wordlists
-w, --words <WORD COUNT> length of password [default: 6]