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Plusto Package Manager

Simple, efficient, and compatible with multiple Linux package formats for software management.


Plusto Package Manager is a lightweight, easy-to-use, and mixable package manager written in Python. It is user-friendly, highly customizable, and designed with easlier extensibility in mind.

Formats support work:

√: Supported
×: Unsupported
@: Working on
Debian Linux (Like):
  - apt       : √
  - dpkg      : √ (wrapper in current version)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Like):
  - dnf / yum : @
  - rpm       : ×
Arch Linux (like):
  - pacman    : ×
Alpine Linux:
  - apk       : ×
Plusto User Repo :
  - pur       : x
Windows Package Manager:
  - winget    : √ (experimental)


Plusto Package Manager is a hybrid package manager for Linux, currently supporting the dpkg format. We are conducting tests, and future versions are planned to merge various Linux package formats, such as Debian's .deb, Fedora's .rpm, and others, so that Plusto Package Manager will support a broader range of formats, offering better compatibility and flexibility for different Linux users.

The Legacy Version of ppm had several shortcomings, which is why we are in the process of rewriting the new version to address these issues and enhance functionality. You can try the old version, they are in the /legacy/ directory, Only can running on Debian-like Linux distro.

You can also try the Concept Version to enjoying the latest feature, they are in /new/ directory. Note: We have not tested this on all Linux distributions yet, so please report any bugs or issues


See Getting Started in our website.