1.0.0 (2018-08-18)
add a Focus Event driver module (234d897 )
add a MouseEvent driver module (a5a00bb )
add a promise based load(url) method that solely loads xml resource from the given url (4138912 )
add a promised-based loadXML(xmlString) method that loads xml strings (f51b16a )
add a selectAltNode method that selects the first matching node from a list of alternate xpath (3bf101d )
add a WheelEvent driver module (ed0615c )
add a XML module (bae76bd )
add ability to add alternate search functions (8415fe3 )
add ability to add mass alternate sort and search functions through the use of the addSortFunc (d698080 )
add ability to clone queue and even clone with a different list of items (9ca3d85 )
add ability to dispatch dom and custom events of any type (7dfd4c5 )
Add ability to resolve whitespace-delineated list of modifier keys (5304f59 )
add ability to set, remove global headers that are sent with every request (bab2963 )
add ability to unbind all event listeners on a given event target (e2ff24e )
add ability to unbind event handlers (0fa7666 )
add and enable LIFO and FIFO operational methodsto the queue. (b211e66 )
add AnimationEvent driver module (08cc91b )
add array-like utility methods to the Queue module. (cff210b )
add composition event driver module (b451e00 )
add getHeader and getHeaders method to the Response module (5cd0957 )
add HashChange Event driver module (9c99342 )
add input event driver module (3289471 )
add keyboard event driver module (d45b721 )
add on, off, once and offAll event bind aliase methods (92a2bca )
add PageTransitionEvent Driver module (4bfe989 )
add polling, request prioritization and request promotion capability to the Xhr fetch manager. (dbd1940 )
add PopStateEvent Driver module (c7d82d5 )
add restful api methods in addition to the universal fetch api. (1430cb3 )
add search methods including #includes(), indexOf(), find(), deleteItem() methods (2bcb34c )
add selectAltNodes that selects array of matching from one of the alternate xpath expressions (250afa7 )
add selectNodes method (c617687 )
add support for the withCredentials request options (ad0993b )
add TouchEvent driver module (20a3199 )
add TransitionEvent driver module (d020994 )
add unified selectNode method, namespace resolver and argument validator (404fb56 )
add utility getter properties to the Response module (75a631d )
add web api Response like methods, json(), document(), text(), blob() and arrayBuffer() to our (3d2016d )
configure test server at port 4000 and setup test files (f2ec247 )
create a Globals module that makes it easy to install global scope objects which includes the (c2a72ca )
create animationEvent pollyfill to support jsdom for accurate testing (ae9b530 )
create custom driver module that drives CustomEvents (f874512 )
create event base driver class. (3ed9073 )
create input event pollyfill (c2fcfcc )
create PageTransitionEvent pollyfill for jsdom testing (1a5cdb6 )
create test specifications for the CompositionDriver module (0a2b712 )
create the Event module (e2618c1 )
create the Queue module (421f3ac )
create the Xhr manager module that integrates the Transport, Request and Response modules (a183e2f )
create the XML export class for seemless xml document creation (08af847 )
create TransitionEvent pollyfill for environments that do not support it, including jsdom (4aa82fa )
create UI driver module for UIEvents. (1313166 )
create util module. Util module offers loads of utility methods to other modules (3cc63f2 )
create xhr Transport module (853b3ff )
create xhr Request module. (00716d2 )
create xhr Response module (ebea9ac )
create XPath module export, detect platform implementation type (d25f346 )
create XPath module. (6267c2c )
export all user facing library modules (a0421ed )
Extend XMLDocument & Node, add load, loadXML methods, text, xml, & parseError properties (ca9d95f )
handle request abort events, set the aborted flag to true and let the state flag return 'compl (09b3b06 )
implement the iterable interface. (87705c3 )
import and incorporate drivers, run ready event listeners on DOMContentLoaded Event (11cac55 )
initialize the event module on global install (909426d )
integrate the fetch api method that performs fetch request calls (e0f9505 )
integrate Transport, Response and install features. (2e5e28f )
make the request send method to return a promise (ad78550 )
simplify how events are constructed, unifying dom level 4 & 3 event init patterns (1846cd5 )
test for browser prefixed events, transition and animation event supports (0e064b7 )
throttle scroll and resize events, add ability to bind cutom and dom events (cf1a5ed )
Performance Improvements
refactor the iterable implementation and the forEach method to speed up interation time (0d2250e )
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