Live website :
- This is a service based website for an architect , a single page application and created with Create react app.
- A full stack website. React js used for frontend and for the backend, express js used for creating api and connect with mongodb.
- With mongo CRUD operation, a user can comment, delete and edit their comment.
- Firebase authentication used for the User Authentication.
- 404 router added nomal routes and for dynamic routes 404 page added as well as and error element.
- Custom API used in this project.(Dynamic API used as well)
- React router used for routing and dynamic routing applied.
- Private routing applied for the add service page and add my review page when user is not logged in.
- Tailwind css and Daisy Ui used for styling and the web app is fully responsive.
- React Icon package used for icons.
- Hot toaster used for the notification.