Provides an custom data source for RDataFrame to read T2K ND280 near detector analysis files. More information is provided in the talk at the T2K December 2018 software meeting.
A cmake configuration is provided to compile to a standalone library. Alternatively, all of the important code is in
and T2KDataSource.hxx
which can simply be pasted directly into an existing project.
The only dependencies are ROOT and oaAnalysis headers (which the CMake compilation will automatically generate).
To compile run:
cmake -DMAKE_PROJECT_FILE_NAME=<path_to_an_oaanalysis_file.root> /path/to/t2kdataframe
An oaAnalysis file is needed to generate the oaAnalysis headers using ROOTs TFile::MakeProject. A preprocessor flag T2K_USE_GENIE
can be set in T2KDataSource.hxx
to compile for GENIE input MC rather than NEUT.
To read a set of files use T2K::MakeT2KDataFrame
. This takes a list of input files, a boolean flag asking whether to
switch on/off truth information (when reading real data files this flag must be switched off) and optionally a list
of trees to load (commonly used trees are loaded by default).
See example.cxx
for working examples.
All branches in the loaded trees have columns with the name <Tree Name>_<Branch Name>
. For example, global reconstructed objects are called Global_PIDs
MakeT2KDataFrame predefines some additional columns for convenience. These include:
a list of all global reconstructed tracks in time with the current bunch.t2kbunch
an integer with the current bunch number (typically 0 to 8).t2ktruthtraj
contain lists of all truth vertices/trajectories in the spill. For data these will be empty containers.
Contact if you have any questions.