a ffmpeg web service
This is a container that does two things:
It wraps ffmpeg as a web service so you can post audio and get back a compressed version of the audio in a variety of formats
It integrates with IBM Bluemix Watson to provide audio to text capability
docker build -t ffmpeg-web-service:latest .
docker run -d --name 'ffmpeg' \
-e "bluemix_user_pass=xxx:yyy" \
-p 1080:80 \
--restart 'unless-stopped' \
where xxx:yyy equals the service credentials provided from your watson service. You must first create a watson service with the speech-to-text engine. From here you should be able to provision credentials like the following:
"url": "https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api",
"username": "xxx",
"password": "yyy"
This web service runs FFMPEG to convert a single input file into a single output file.
file: The upload file contents with a valid file suffix to indicate the format
action: TRANSCODE (default) or TRANSCRIBE
For Transcoding:
format: The output file format (wav/mp3/etc...)
rate: (optional) override the encoding rate in Hz (e.g. 16000)
For Transcribing:
language: en (default), es (spanish), zh (chinese), pt (portuguese)
Example Request: POST:
file => "audio_1.wav"
format => 'mp3'
rate => '48000'
Will return a streamed MP3 file or error message
file => "audio_1.amr"
language => 'es'
Will return a json object for the translation of the audio, such as:
"results": [
"alternatives": [
"confidence": 0.28,
"transcript": "flat out a few birds "
"final": true
"result_index": 0
Since the transcription service only accepts 16kHz or higher samples, in the example above, the 8 Khz amr file will be transiently transcoded to a 16kHz wav file and then sent off for transcription. This can take 30 seconds or longer.