gandalf is a configurable k8s admission controller maintaining an allow-list of labels. For everyone else he will say "You shall not pass"
make compile
Runs all checks, linting, formatting and builds the static binary.
make container
Builds a docker image
Detailed instructions on how to bootstrap k8s with vault for gandalf is documented here
gandalf uses kind:ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
to enforce Admission decisions.
- Get the CA Bundle that needs to be a part of the webhook ca
export CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}')
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: gandalf
- name:
sideEffects: None
- apiGroups: ["*"]
apiVersions: ["*"]
operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
resources: ["pods", "deployments", "replicasets", "statefulset", "services", "daemonset", "job", "cronjob",
"services", "ingresses"]
failurePolicy: Fail
name: gandalf
namespace: default
path: "/v1/api/admission/review"
caBundle: $CA_BUNDLE
Clean up the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration gandalf
Delete gandalf resources
kubectl delete -f gandalf.yaml
Create gandalf resources
kubectl apply -f gandalf.yaml
Patch gandalf to inject secrets from Vault.
kubectl patch deployment gandalf --patch "$(cat vault-certs-inject.yaml)"
Apply the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
export CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}')
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
name: gandalf
- name:
sideEffects: None
- apiGroups: ["*"]
apiVersions: ["*"]
operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
resources: ["pods", "deployments", "replicasets", "statefulset", "services", "daemonset", "job", "cronjob",
"services", "ingresses"]
failurePolicy: Fail
name: gandalf
namespace: default
path: "/v1/api/admission/review"
caBundle: $CA_BUNDLE
This is not thoroughly tested and Validating Webhooks can have a significant load on the API server, while care is taken to ensure that gandalf requests only a subset of the resources. Please follow the follwing guidelines when running this.
- Run in an isolate cluster. minikube will be ideal.
- The YAMLs are deployed in the default namespace to make the deployment easier, but we should consider moving gandalf to a different ns and restrict SA to request resources only from the said namespace.
If something goes wrong, deleting the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
should limit the blast radius.
kubectl logs -f gandalf-5b6ccf9fdd-47q7b gandalf-controller
Dec 10 04:30:33.961 [INFO] [ main] Starting gandalf.
version: 1a8f993
"match-labels": {
"fellowship": "yes"
} [main.go:68][main()]
Dec 10 04:30:33.961 [INFO] [ api] Listening for admission reviews on [api.go:54][Start()]
Dec 10 04:30:33.962 [INFO] [ main] gandalf is ready to protect admission requests [main.go:86][main()]
Dec 10 04:33:01.165 [INFO] [ controller] Reviewing admission for kind:Deployment | name:nginx-deployment [admission.go:33][Review()]
Dec 10 04:33:01.185 [INFO] [ controller] Got Labels: map[name:balrog] [admission.go:99][Review()]
Dec 10 04:33:01.185 [INFO] [ controller] Not OK to admit kind:apps/v1, Kind=Deployment | name:nginx-deployment [admission.go:114][Review()]
Dec 10 04:33:01.185 [INFO] [ api] gandalf rejected apps/v1, Kind=Deployment [api.go:122][admissionHandler()]
Dec 10 04:34:44.670 [INFO] [ controller] Reviewing admission for kind:Service | name:nazgul-service [admission.go:33][Review()]
Dec 10 04:34:44.670 [INFO] [ controller] Checking for service [admission.go:75][Review()]
Dec 10 04:34:44.673 [INFO] [ controller] Got Labels: map[fellowship:no] [admission.go:99][Review()]
Dec 10 04:34:44.673 [INFO] [ controller] Not OK to admit kind:/v1, Kind=Service | name:nazgul-service [admission.go:114][Review()]
Dec 10 04:34:44.673 [INFO] [ api] gandalf rejected /v1, Kind=Service [api.go:122][admissionHandler()]
Dec 10 04:36:05.591 [INFO] [ controller] Reviewing admission for kind:Service | name:frodo [admission.go:33][Review()]
Dec 10 04:36:05.592 [INFO] [ controller] Checking for service [admission.go:75][Review()]
Dec 10 04:36:05.594 [INFO] [ controller] Got Labels: map[fellowship:yes] [admission.go:99][Review()]
Dec 10 04:36:05.594 [INFO] [ controller] OK to admit kind:Service | name:frodo [admission.go:105][Review()]
Dec 10 04:36:05.594 [INFO] [ api] gandalf admitted /v1, Kind=Service [api.go:119][admissionHandler()]
Dec 10 04:39:07.564 [INFO] [ api] Successfully stopped REST Server [api.go:139][Stop()]
Admission Deny missing label deployment
kubectl apply -f denied-deployment.yaml
Error from server: error when creating "denied-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: admission rejected by policy
Admission Deny incorrect label service
kubectl apply -f denied-service.yaml
Error from server: error when creating "denied-service.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: admission rejected by policy
Admission Success correct labels
kubectl apply -f allowed-service.yaml
service/frodo created