create .gitignore -node_modules
-git config --global "sunny812546" -git config --global -git config --list
-git clone SSH (Pull down code from github) -git status (All Status of your actions) -git add . (you can see untracked & modified files) -git status -git commit -m "Added files" -m "Some Description" -git push origin master (reflected chanegs in your actual repo)
-git init (initialized git repo) -git status -git add . -git status -git commit -m "" -m "" -git remote add origin SSH -git push -u origin master
-git branch(list out all branches) -git checkout -b feature (switch into new branch) -git diff feature -git merge feature -git push -u origin feature -git pull origin master (from github to your local machine) -git branch -d feature (delete)
-git reset HEAD~1 -git log -git diff -git reset HASHCODE OF YOUR COMMIT -git reset --hard HASHCODE
-git log --oneline -git checkout 900jsj index.html back to last commit -git reset HEAD index.html -git status -git checkout --index.html