A standalone starter for InvokeAI.
TL;DR: We install invokeai in a conda-environment and make it standalone by using conda-pack. Then we add some bat-scripts and a simple UI (written in WPF C#) so it's easy to use.
- Clone the repo
- Open it in Visual Studio (it's a WPF project)
- Build it (in x64, because x32 somehow doesn't work)
- Copy the built version to your new standalone folder
- Download the standalone and copy the .bat files to your standalone. Sorry for the hassle, but I didn't push themm yet. :( The most important is the helper.bat (it starts the standalone) which looks like that:
call "%cd%/env/Scripts/activate.bat"
"%cd%/env/python.exe" "%cd%/env/Scripts/invokeai-web.exe" --root "%cd%/invokeai/"
- Prerequisites: Install python 3.10, anaconda and conda-pack
- Install invokeai via conda. You can find the instructions here. If that site is not available anymore, I post the latest instructions here:
mkdir ~/invokeai
conda create -n invokeai python=3.10
conda activate invokeai
pip install InvokeAI[xformers] --use-pep517 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117
invokeai-configure --root ~/invokeai
invokeai --root ~/invokeai --web
- Copy the invokeai folder (in your User folder) to your new standalone folder
- Open an anaconda command line (just type "anaconda" in the windows search) and run the following command to pack the invokeai environment:
conda pack -n invokeai -o invokeai_packed_env.zip --ignore-missing-files --ignore-editable-packages --format zip
- Copy the newly created /UserFolder/invokeai_packed_env.zip to in /your_standalone_folder/env/ and unzip it there. Delete the zip afterwards to save space.
- Get rid of anything on your system that could be used to run invokeai, except your standalone. E.g. delete/rename the anaconda environment (in User/anaconda/envs), rename %appdata%/python, get rid of your invokeai folder in User/invokeai, move your standalone somewhere else, etc
- Try to run the standalone
- In the best case, the update.bat (which uses invokeai's update script) works. Then you can use it, and you're done.
- ...otherwise, you have to do the steps above from scratch.