NPM Package to get the current(Today's) NAVs of Mutual Funds in India
The data is being fetched from Association of Mutual Funds India (AMFI)'s portal
import mfInfo from "mutualfund-info";
const mfInstance = new mfInfo();
const navs = await mfInstance.getAllNavs();
console.log("navs", navs);
import mfInfo from "mutualfund-info";
const mfInstance = new mfInfo();
(async () => {
const navs = await mfInstance.getAllNavs();
console.log("navs", navs);
// Sample Output of a NAV Object
'Scheme Code': '116174',
'ISIN Div Payout/ ISIN Growth': 'INF109K01YE1',
'ISIN Div Reinvestment': 'INF109K01YD3',
'Scheme Name': 'ICICI Prudential Banking and PSU Debt Fund - Quarterly IDCW',
'Net Asset Value': '10.8471',
Date: '11-Feb-2025',
'AMC Name': 'ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund',
'Scheme Type': 'Open Ended Schemes(Debt Scheme - Banking and PSU Fund)'
// Note that this will be an array of objects
// You can filter the navs by scheme type as below
const debtNavs = navs.filter(nav => nav['Scheme Type'].includes('Debt'));
console.log("debtNavs", debtNavs);
// You can also filter by AMC Name
const iciciPrudentialNavs = navs.filter(nav => nav['AMC Name'] === 'ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund');
console.log("iciciPrudentialNavs", iciciPrudentialNavs);
// you can filter by Scheme Name, Scheme Code etc
there is a inbuilt You can fetch a MF's Nav by its name as below by using the fetchNavBySchemeName method.
var schemeName =
"Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking & PSU Debt Fund - DIRECT - IDCW";
var schemeNav = await mfInstance.fetchNavBySchemeName(schemeName);
console.log("schemNav", schemeNav);
// The sample will be something similar to
'Scheme Code': '119551',
'ISIN Div Payout/ ISIN Growth': 'INF209KA12Z1',
'ISIN Div Reinvestment': 'INF209KA13Z9',
'Scheme Name': 'Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking & PSU Debt Fund - DIRECT - IDCW',
'Net Asset Value': '154.6417',
Date: '21-May-2021',
'AMC Name': 'Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund',
'Scheme Type': 'Open Ended Schemes(Debt Scheme - Banking and PSU Fund)'
You can fetch a MF's Navby its code as below by using the fetchNavBySchemeCode method.
var schemeCode = "119551";
var schemecodeNav = await mfInstance.fetchNavBySchemeCode(schemeCode);
console.log("schemNav", schemecodeNav);
// The sample will be something similar to
'Scheme Code': '119551',
'ISIN Div Payout/ ISIN Growth': 'INF209KA12Z1',
'ISIN Div Reinvestment': 'INF209KA13Z9',
'Scheme Name': 'Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking & PSU Debt Fund - DIRECT - IDCW',
'Net Asset Value': '154.6417',
Date: '21-May-2021',
'AMC Name': 'Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund',
'Scheme Type': 'Open Ended Schemes(Debt Scheme - Banking and PSU Fund)'
// returns the about message of the package
// "mutualfund-info - NPM Package to get the NAVs of Mutual Funds in India."