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Train dual-stream recurrent neural networks to count the number of items in a visual array


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Zero-shot visual numerical reasoning with dual-stream glimpsing recurrent neural networks

This repository is associated with the following publication:

Thompson, J.A., Sheahan, H., Dumbalska, T., Sandbrink, J.D., Piazza, M., and Summerfield, C., Zero-shot counting with a dual-stream neural network model. Neuron. 2024.

Relevant human and neural network data can be accessed on OSF:

This code implements theories about the computational ingredients that underly structure learning in the primate brain. We investigate the setting where a learner needs to apply previously learned knowledge about the structure of visual scenes (here, numerosity) to new scenes containing unfamiliar objects in new contexts. The command line interface allows one to test the influence of various architectural motifs, learning objectives, training curricula, and representations on the ability to generalize "zero-shot" in numerical reasoning tasks.

All neural networks are implemented in pytorch.

environment.yml lists all packages in the conda environment used for these experiments. To create a conda environment from this file: conda env create -f environment.yml

Dataset Generation

To generate all image datasets used in the published work run datasets/

Image sets are synthesized with datasets/ The dataset generator synthesizes images and preglimpses them according to a specified saccadic policy. Configuration parameters control the number of items, the shape of the items, the average background and foreground luminances, the size of the image, and the number of glimpses. Glimpse contents consist of logpolar transformed images centred on a fixation point. Datasets are manipulated with xarray and stored in netcdf files. Only a handful of literal image files are saved for visual inspection. The rest of the image data are saved along with their corresponding metadata in the netcdf files for ease of loading and manipulating.

python3 datasets/ --policy=random --logpolar --n_glimpses=20 --luminances 0.1 0.4 0.7 --seed=0 --noise_level=0.9 --size=100000 --shapes ESUZ --min_num=1 --max_num=5 --solarize --n_shapes=25 --grid=6 --same

Model Training

To train a model, call the script. The command line arguments specify which datasets should be used for training and testing, which input features should be used, which model class should be trained, which objectives should be minimized, and any hyperparameters.

python3 --policy='random' --model_type=rnn_classifier2stream --sort --train_on=both --use_loss=both --shape_input=logpolar --opt=Adam --same --min_num=1 --max_num=5 --n_glimpses=20 --h_size=1024 --train_shapes=ESUZ --test_shapes ESUZ FCKJ --noise_level=0.9 --train_size=100000 --test_size=1000 --n_epochs=300 --act=lrelu --dropout=0.5 --rep=0 --grid=6

Some models configurations include pretaining a ventral stream module. This is done with This trains a feedforward network (with or without convolutions) to categorize individual glimpses. This saves a pretrained ventral stream module can then be loaded into a recurrent dual-stream model.

All modeling code written by Jessica Thompson unless otherwise indicated. An earlier version of this project was started by Hannah Sheahan. This code does not build directly on hers, but I certainly took inspiration on how to structure the code.

The configurations that were run for the paper are documented in several shell scripts prefixed with 'submit_'. These are not intended to necessarily be run as written. One would likely want to distribute over several GPUs in practice, but these scripts document the command line arguments needed to replicate the models described in the article.

Neural Coding

Characterization of the patterns of unit selectivity in the recurrent layer of the dual-stream RNN was performed in MATLAB. See main.m in the 'neural coding' folder. The unit activations that were analysed can be found in our OSF repository where you will find both .mat and .npz versions.

Human Eyetracking Experiment

The PsychToolbox code to run the human eye tracking experiment can be found in the 'eye_tracking' folder.


Code to prepare the figure panels can be found in the 'plot' folder. makes most of the main model comparison figures. visualizes the qualitative comparisons to human behaviour