#Cake PHP Optimal Payment Component with ccPurchase, ccAuthorize, ccVerification, ccSettlement, ccStoredDataPurchase and ccStoredDataAuthorize
The main features implmented are,
- Purchase with credit card info .
- Purchase Authorization with credit card info : [for those who not aware about Auth:, This is process of getting a permission to get a money(Called Capture) in future based on users permission gained in Approval(Authorization) part. ]
- Verify/Validate the credit card Information.
- Ability to purchase new item/product based on users previous purchase data(Does not means we are saving an credit card info).
##Minimum Requirements
- Cake PHP 1.3 or later
- cURL support
- SimpleXml
##Main Modules includes
- ccPurchase
- ccAuthorize
- ccVerification
- ccSettlement,
- ccStoredDataPurchase
- ccStoredDataAuthorize
Add models for logs and necessary change to save info
Add Optimal Payment component in the components array( Sorry Cake gurus. It is intented for all from freshers to gurus ;) ).
public $components = array( 'All', 'YourExisting', 'Components ', 'OptimalPayment', );
Necessary Codes to get user inputs, like amount and credit card info
##Sample Implementation
// This is sample code to show how it works // Please add necessary code for get input from user, validation,.. $merchant_info = array( 'accountNum' =>'MERCHANT_ACC_NUMBER', 'storeID' =>'test', 'storePwd' =>'test', 'is_test' => true, ); $payment_info= array( 'user_id' => '1111111111111', 'amount' => 22, 'card_deatils' =>array( 'cardNum' =>'1111111111111111', 'cardExpiry' =>array( 'month' => '12', 'year' => '12' ), 'cardType' => 'VI', 'cvdIndicator' =>1, // Do we need CVV 'cvd' =>'111' ), 'billing_info' => array( "firstName" => 'Test', "lastName" => 'Test', "street" => '1130 test', "street2" => '', "city" => 'Laval', "state" => 'QC', "country" => 'CA', "zip" => 'H7V 1A2', "phone" => '123-973-2227', "email" => 'email@example.com', ) ); $this->OptimalPayment->intiatePayment($merchant_info); // Authorization $result = $this->OptimalPayment->doAuthorize($payment_info); $reversal_info = array( 'user_id' => '1111111111111', 'amount' => 22, 'confirmation_number' =>'233444', ); //$result = $this->OptimalPayment->doAuthReversal($reversal_info); $cpature_info = array( 'user_id' => '1111111111111', 'amount' => 22, 'confirmation_number'=>'1233', ); $result = $this->OptimalPayment->doAuthSettlement($cpature_info);