Typesafe custom wa-sqlite wrapper, run in memory or persist data to IndexedDB or OPFS, support FTS5 and update / delete limit
Low-level layer for kysely-wasqlite-worker-dialect
Store data in memory, use MemoryVFS
with wa-sqlite.wasm
, no data persistence
import { initSQLite, isOpfsSupported, useMemoryStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
// optional url
const url = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@0.5.0/wa-sqlite.wasm'
const url1 = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@v0.5.0/wa-sqlite-fts5/wa-sqlite.wasm'
const { run, changes, lastInsertRowId, close } = await initSQLite(
useMemoryStorage({ url })
Store data in IndexedDB
, use IDBBatchAtomicVFS
with wa-sqlite-async.wasm
, larger than sync version, better compatibility
minimal IndexedDB backend browser version
import { initSQLite } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useIdbStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
// optional url
const url = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@0.5.0/wa-sqlite-async.wasm'
const url1 = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@v0.5.0/wa-sqlite-fts5/wa-sqlite-async.wasm'
const { run, changes, lastInsertRowId, close } = await initSQLite(
useIdbStorage('test.db', { url })
Store data in memory and sync to IndexedDB
, use IDBMirrorVFS
with wa-sqlite-async.wasm
(larger than sync version), better performance compare to useIdbStorage
import { initSQLite } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useIdbMemoryStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb-memory'
// before 0.5.0
// import { useIdbMemoryStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
// optional url
const url = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@0.5.0/dist/wa-sqlite-async.wasm'
const { run, changes, lastInsertRowId, close } = await initSQLite(
useIdbMemoryStorage('test.db', { url })
Store data in OPFS through FileSystemSyncAccessHandle, use OPFSCoopSyncVFS
with wa-sqlite.wasm
, smaller and faster all other persist storages.
minimal OPFS backend browser version
import { initSQLite, isOpfsSupported } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useOpfsStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/opfs'
// optional url
const url = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@0.5.0/dist/wa-sqlite.wasm'
onmessage = async () => {
if (!await isOpfsSupported()) { // this can be called in main thread
const { run, changes, lastInsertRowId, close } = await initSQLite(
useOpfsStorage('test.db', url)
Store data through FileSystemFileHandle
, use modified OPFSAnyContextVFS
with wa-sqlite-async.wasm
, allow to directly read and write to device's local file or OPFS file entry in main or worker thread, but a little slower than useOpfsStorage
minimal File System Access backend browser version
import { initSQLite, isOpfsSupported } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useFsHandleStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/fs-handle'
// optional url
const url = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm@0.5.0/dist/wa-sqlite-async.wasm'
// device's local file
const root = await window.showDirectoryPicker()
const root1 = await navigator.storage.getDirectory()
const { run, changes, lastInsertRowId, close } = await initSQLite(
useFsHandleStorage('test.db', root, url)
From v0.5.0
Existing database can be File
or ReadableStream
async function selectFile(): Promise<File> {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const input = document.createElement('input')
input.type = 'file'
input.onchange = () => {
const file = input.files?.[0]
if (file) {
} else {
reject(new Error('No file selected'))
input.oncancel = () => {
reject(new Error('File selection cancelled'))
const FileOrReadableStream = remote
? (await fetch(remoteSqliteURL)).body!
: await selectFile()
Import while initiaizing
import { initSQLite, withExistDB } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useIdbStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
const db = initSQLite(
useIdbStorage('test.db', withExistDB(FileOrReadableStream, { url }))
or load it later
import { importDatabase } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useIdbStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
const db = initSQLite('test.db', { url })
await db.sync(FileOrReadableStream)
// or use independent function
await importDatabase(db.vfs, db.path, FileOrReadableStream)
From v0.5.0
If you are using useOpfsStorage
, you can directly download it from OPFS, since its db file has same structure as native filesystem.
Example for useIdbStorage
import { exportDatabase } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useIdbStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
const db = initSQLite('test.db', { url })
const buffer = await db.dump()
// or use independent function
const buffer1 = exportDatabase(db.vfs, db.path)
import { customFunction, initSQLite, isOpfsSupported } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
import { useOpfsStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/opfs'
import { uuidv7 } from 'uuidv7'
const { run, sqlite, db } = await initSQLite(
customFunction(sqlite, db, 'uuidv7', () => uuidv7())
console.log(await run('select uuidv7() as a'))
// [{ "a": "01932f1b-b663-7714-af4d-17a3d9efc7b3" }]
import {
} from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
const core = await initSQLiteCore(/* options */)
await importDatabase(core.vfs, core.path, stream)
for await (const row of iterator(core, 'select * from test')) {
customFunctionCore(core, 'test', num => num)
await run(core, 'select test(?)', [1])
const buf = await exportDatabase(core.vfs, core.path)
await close(core)
function dumpVFS(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string, onDone?: (vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string) => any): ReadableStream
function exportDatabaseFromIDB(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string): Promise<Uint8Array>
function exportDatabaseFromFsHandle(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string): Promise<Uint8Array>
* Export database to `Uint8Array`
* @param vfs SQLite VFS
* @param path database path
function exportDatabase(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string): Promise<Uint8Array>
function importDatabaseToIdb(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string, stream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>): Promise<void>
* Import database from `File` or `ReadableStream`
* @param vfs SQLite VFS
* @param path db path
* @param data existing database
function importDatabase(vfs: FacadeVFS, path: string, data: File | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>): Promise<void>
* check if IndexedDB and Web Locks API supported
function isIdbSupported(): boolean
* check if [OPFS SyncAccessHandle](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemSyncAccessHandle) supported
function isOpfsSupported(): Promise<boolean>
* check `new Worker(url, { type: 'module' })` support
* {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62954570/javascript-feature-detect-module-support-for-web-workers Reference}
function isModuleWorkerSupport(): boolean
* Create custom function, run js script in SQLite
* @example
* ```ts
* import { customFunction, initSQLite, isOpfsSupported } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
* import { useOpfsStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/opfs'
* import { uuidv7 } from 'uuidv7'
* const { run, sqlite, db } = await initSQLite(
* useOpfsStorage('test')
* )
* customFunction(sqlite, db, 'uuidv7', () => uuidv7())
* console.log(await run('select uuidv7() as a'))
* // [{ "a": "01932f1b-b663-7714-af4d-17a3d9efc7b3" }]
* ```
function customFunction<N extends string, T extends SQLiteCompatibleType[]>(sqlite: SQLiteAPI, db: number, fnName: N, fn: N extends '' ? never : (...args: T) => (SQLiteCompatibleType | number[]) | null, options?: {
deterministic?: boolean
directOnly?: boolean
varargs?: boolean
}): void
function customFunctionCore<N extends string, T extends SQLiteCompatibleType[]>(core: SQLiteDBCore, fnName: N, fn: N extends '' ? never : (...args: T) => (SQLiteCompatibleType | number[]) | null, options?: {
deterministic?: boolean
directOnly?: boolean
varargs?: boolean
}): void
* Parse options with existing database
* @param data database File or ReadableStream
* @param options extra options
* @example
* ```ts
* import { initSQLite, withExistDB } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm'
* import { useIdbStorage } from '@subframe7536/sqlite-wasm/idb'
* const db = initSQLite(
* useIdbStorage('test.db', withExistDB(FileOrReadableStream, { url }))
* )
* ```
function withExistDB<T extends BaseStorageOptions>(data: File | ReadableStream, options?: Omit<T, 'beforeOpen'>): T
function close(core: SQLiteDBCore): Promise<void>
function changes(core: SQLiteDBCore): number | bigint
function lastInsertRowId(core: SQLiteDBCore): number | bigint
function stream(core: SQLiteDBCore, onData: (data: Record<string, SQLiteCompatibleType>) => void, sql: string, parameters?: SQLiteCompatibleType[]): Promise<void>
function run(core: SQLiteDBCore, sql: string, parameters?: SQLiteCompatibleType[]): Promise<Array<Record<string, SQLiteCompatibleType>>>
function iterator(core: SQLiteDBCore, sql: string, parameters?: SQLiteCompatibleType[], chunkSize?: number): AsyncIterableIterator<Record<string, SQLiteCompatibleType>[]>
function parseOpenV2Flag(readonly?: boolean): number
function reopen(core: SQLiteDBCore, readonly?: boolean): Promise<void>