a simple, not really comprehensive, script to convert a Mattermost json export file to a Rocket.Chat csv import zip file
i thought someone might be interested, so i shared it here. PRs welcome (would be great if the resulting zip import can be tested ;)) code is rough and written in a couple of minutes to transfer messages of a hand full of channels, so probably not the solution you were looking for if you have lots of channels with lots of members :D
currently its only tested on windows with PS Core, but it probably could work on linux/macOS if you install PS Core and change the path separators from \
to /
- Download mmtorc.ps1
- update the variables at the top of the script to match you preferences
- execute
- Import channels (with blacklist)
- Import messages of channels
- Import users
- Import channel members (will be set to a default user(s), adding members must be done manually after import)
- Import direct messages
this script was more of a "proof of concept" NOT a comprehensive solution to migrate production data from one system to another.
use this script at your own risk! i'm not resposible for any missing messages or failures/overwrites during import / export etc.
i just thought this might be a good starting point for someone