Linux VMs for testing:
- ubuntu1204
- ubuntu1404
- centos65
Docker images for disposable dev/test environments:
- strongloop/strongbox:ubuntu (bare Ubuntu 14.04 + vim, ssh, man pages + user shell)
- strongloop/strongbox:node (strongloop/strongbox:ubuntu + node from tarball)
- strongloop/strongbox:dev (strongloop/strongbox:node + git, compilers)
If you are on a Mac you're using boot2docker for Docker support. You'll find
this useful to put into your ~/.bashrc
for tag in $(docker images | awk '/strongbox/ { print $2 }'); do
alias strongbox-$tag="boot2docker ssh -t docker run -it -v \\\$SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent strongloop/strongbox:$tag"
- Install VirtualBox:
- Install Vagrant:
git clone
cd strongbox
vagrant up <name>
vagrant ssh
- Your're in! You've got node, npm, gcc, and vim. The world is your oyster!