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@sduchesneau sduchesneau released this 16 Nov 16:40

Major release v2 Highlights

This releases refactor firehose-ethereum repository to use the common shared Firehose Core library ( that every single Firehose supported chain should use and follow.

Both at the data level and gRPC level, there is no changes in behavior to all core components which are reader-node, merger, relayer, firehose, substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2.

A lot of changes happened at the operators level however and some superflous mode have been removed, especially around the reader-node application. The full changes is listed below, operators should review thoroughly the changelog.


It's important to emphasis that at the data level, nothing changed, so reverting to 1.4.22 in case of a problem is quite easy and no special data migration is required outside of changing back to the old set of flags that was used before.


You will find below the detailed upgrade procedure for the configuration file operators usually use. If you are using the flags based approach, simply update the corresponding flags.


We have had reports of older versions of this software creating corrupted merged-blocks-files (with duplicate or out-of-bound blocks). This release adds additional validation of merged-blocks to prevent serving duplicate blocks from the firehose or substreams service. This may cause service outage if you have produced those blocks or downloaded them from another party who was affected by this bug.
See the Finding and fixing corrupted merged-blocks-files to see how you can prevent service outage.

Quick Upgrade

Here a bullet list for upgrading your instance, we still recommend to fully read each section below, the list here can serve as a check list. The list below is done in such way that you get back the same "instance" as before. The listening addresses changes can be omitted as long as you update other tools to account for the port changes list your load balancer.

  • Add config config-file: ./sf.yaml if not present already

  • Add config data-dir: ./sf-data if not present already

  • Rename config verbose to log-verbosity if present

  • Add config common-blocks-cache-dir: ./sf-data/blocks-cache if not present already

  • Remove config common-chain-id if present

  • Remove config common-deployment-id if present

  • Remove config common-network-id if present

  • Add config common-live-blocks-addr: :13011 if not present already

  • Add config relayer-grpc-listen-addr: :13011 if common-live-blocks-addr has been added in previous step

  • Add config reader-node-grpc-listen-addr: :13010 if not present already

  • Add config relayer-source: :13010 if reader-node-grpc-listen-addr has been added in previous step

  • Remove config reader-node-enforce-peers if present

  • Remove config reader-node-log-to-zap if present

  • Remove config reader-node-ipc-path if present

  • Remove config reader-node-type if present

  • Replace config reader-node-arguments: +--<flag1> --<flag2> ... by reader-node-arguments: --networkid=<network-id> --datadir={node-data-dir} --port=30305 --http --http.api=eth,net,web3 --http.port=8547 --http.addr= --http.vhosts=* --firehose-enabled --<flag1> --<flag2> ...

    The <network-id> is dynamic and should be replace with a literal value like 1 for Ethereum Mainnet. The {node-data-dir} value is actually a templating value that is going o be resolved for you (resolves to value of config reader-node-data-dir).!

    Ensure that --firehose-enabled is part of the flag! Moreover, tweak flags to avoid repetitions if your were overriding some of them.

  • Remove node under start: args: list

  • Add config merger-grpc-listen-addr: :13012 if not present already

  • Add config firehose-grpc-listen-addr: :13042 if not present already

  • Add config substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr: :13044 if not present already

  • Add config substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr: :13044 if not present already

  • Add config substreams-tier2-grpc-listen-addr: :13045 if not present already

  • Add config substreams-tier1-subrequests-endpoint: :13045 if substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr has been added in previous step

  • Replace config combined-index-builder to index-builder under start: args: list

  • Rename config common-block-index-sizes to common-index-block-sizes if present

  • Rename config combined-index-builder-grpc-listen-addr to index-builder-grpc-listen-addr if present

  • Add config index-builder-grpc-listen-addr: :13043 if you didn't have combined-index-builder-grpc-listen-addr previously

  • Rename config combined-index-builder-index-size to index-builder-index-size if present

  • Rename config combined-index-builder-start-block to index-builder-start-block if present

  • Rename config combined-index-builder-stop-block to index-builder-stop-block if present

  • Replace any occurrences of {sf-data-dir} to {data-dir} in any of your configuration values if present

Common Changes

  • The default value for config-file changed from sf.yaml to firehose.yaml. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define config-file: sf.yaml.

  • The default value for data-dir changed from sf-data to firehose-data. If you didn't had this flag defined before, you should either move sf-data to firehose-data or define data-dir: sf-data.

    This is an important change, forgetting to change it will change expected locations of data leading to errors or wrong data.

  • Deprecated The {sf-data-dir} templating argument used in various flags to resolve to the --data-dir=<location> value has been deprecated and should now be simply {data-dir}. The older replacement is still going to work but you should replace any occurrences of {sf-data-dir} in your flag definition by {data-dir}.

  • The default value for common-blocks-cache-dir changed from {sf-data-dir}/blocks-cache to file://{data-dir}/storage/blocks-cache. If you didn't had this flag defined and you had common-blocks-cache-enabled: true, you should define common-blocks-cache-dir: file://{data-dir}/blocks-cache.

  • The default value for common-live-blocks-addr changed from :13011 to :10014. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define common-live-blocks-addr: 13011 and ensure you also modify relayer-grpc-listen-addr: :13011 (see next entry for details).

  • The Go module has been removed, if you were depending on in your project before, depend directly on instead.

    This will pull much more dependencies then before, if you're reluctant of such additions, talk to us on Discord and we can offer alternatives depending on what you were using.

  • The config value verbose has been renamed to log-verbosity keeping the same semantic and default value as before

    The short flag version is still -v and can still be provided multiple times like -vvvv.

App reader-node changes

This change will impact all operators currently running Firehose on Ethereum so it's important to pay attention to the upgrade procedure below, if you are unsure of something, reach to us on Discord.

Before this release, the reader-node app was managing for you a portion of the reader-node-arguments configuration value, prepending some arguments that would be passed to geth when invoking it, the list of arguments that were automatically provided before:

  • --networkid=<value of config value 'common-network-id'>
  • --datadir=<value of config value 'reader-node-data-dir'>
  • --ipcpath=<value of config value 'reader-node-ipc-path'>
  • --port=30305
  • --http
  • --http.api=eth,net,web3
  • --http.port=8547
  • --http.addr=
  • --http.vhosts=*
  • --firehose-enabled

We have now removed those magical additions and operators are now responsible of providing the flags they required to properly run a Firehose-enabled native geth node. The + sign that was used to append/override the flags has been removed also since no default additions is performed, the + was now useless. To make some flag easier to define and avoid repetition, a few templating variable can be used within the reader-node-arguments value:

  • {data-dir} The current data-dir path defined by the config value data-dir
  • {node-data-dir} The node data dir path defined by the flag reader-node-data-dir
  • {hostname} The machine's hostname
  • {start-block-num} The resolved start block number defined by the flag reader-node-start-block-num (can be overwritten)
  • {stop-block-num} The stop block number defined by the flag reader-node-stop-block-num

As an example, if you provide the config value reader-node-data-dir=/var/geth for example, then you could use reader-node-arguments: --datadir={node-data-dir} and that would resolve to reader-node-arguments: --datadir=/var/geth for you.


The reader-node-arguments is a string that is parsed using Shell word splitting rules which means for example that double quotes are supported like --datadir="/var/with space/path" and the argument will be correctly accepted. We use as your parsing library.

We also removed the following reader-node configuration value:

  • reader-node-type (No replacement needed, just remove it)
  • reader-node-ipc-path (If you were using that, define it manually using geth flag --ipcpath=...)
  • reader-node-enforce-peers (If you were using that, use a geth config file to add static peers to your node, read about static peers for geth on the Web)

Default listening addresses changed also to be the same on all firehose-<...> project, meaning consistent ports across all chains for operators. The reader-node-grpc-listen-addr default listen address went from :13010 to :10010 and reader-node-manager-api-addr from :13009 to :10011. If you have no occurrences of 13010 or 13009 in your config file or your scripts, there is nothing to do. Otherwise, feel free to adjust the default port to fit your needs, if you do change reader-node-grpc-listen-addr, ensure --relayer-source is also updated as by default it points to :10010.

Here an example of the required changes.


  - ...
  - reader-node
  - ...
    reader-node-bootstrap-data-url: ./reader/genesis.json
    reader-node-enforce-peers: localhost:13041
    reader-node-arguments: +--firehose-genesis-file=./reader/genesis.json --authrpc.port=8552
    reader-node-log-to-zap: false


  - ...
  - reader-node
  - ...
    reader-node-bootstrap-data-url: ./reader/genesis.json


Adjust the --networkid=1515 value to fit your targeted chain, see for a list of Ethereum chain and their network-id value.

App node removed

In previous version of firehose-ethereum, it was possible to use the node app to launch managed "peering/backup/whatever" Ethereum node, this is not possible anymore. If you were using the node app previously, like in this config:

  - ...
  - node
  - ...

You must now remove the node app from args and any flags starting with node-. The migration path is to run those on your own without the use of fireeth and using whatever tools fits your desired needs.

We have completely drop support to concentrate on the core mission of Firehose which is to run reader nodes to extract Firehose blocks from it.

Note This is about the node app and not the reader-node, we think usage of this app is minimal/inexistent.

Rename of combined-index-builder to index-builder

The app has been renamed to simply index-builder and the flags has been completely renamed removing the prefix combined- in front of them.


  - ...
  - combined-index-builder
  - ...
    combined-index-builder-grpc-listen-addr: ":9999"
    combined-index-builder-index-size: 10000
    combined-index-builder-start-block: 0
    combined-index-builder-stop-block: 0


  - ...
  - index-builder
  - ...
    index-builder-grpc-listen-addr: ":9999"
    index-builder-index-size: 10000
    index-builder-start-block: 0
    index-builder-stop-block: 0
  • Flag common-block-index-sizes has been renamed to common-index-block-sizes.


Rename only configuration item you had previously defined, do not copy paste verbatim example above.

App relayer changes

  • The default value for relayer-grpc-listen-addr changed from :13011 to :10014. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define relayer-grpc-listen-addr: 13011 and ensure you also modify common-live-blocks-addr: :13011 (see previous entry for details).

  • The default value for relayer-source changed from :13010 to :10010. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define relayer-source: 13010 and ensure you also modify reader-node-grpc-listen-addr: :13010.

    Must align with reader-node-grpc-listen-addr!

App firehose changes

  • The default value for firehose-grpc-listen-addr changed from :13042 to :10015. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define firehose-grpc-listen-addr: :13042.
  • Firehose logs now include auth information (userID, keyID, realIP) along with blocks + egress bytes sent.

App merger changed

  • The default value for merger-grpc-listen-addr changed from :13012 to :10012. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define merger-grpc-listen-addr: :13012.

App substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2 changed

  • The default value for substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr changed from :13044 to :10016. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr: :13044.

  • The default value for substreams-tier1-subrequests-endpoint changed from :13045 to :10017. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define substreams-tier1-subrequests-endpoint: :13044.

    Must align with substreams-tier1-grpc-listen-addr!

  • The default value for substreams-tier2-grpc-listen-addr changed from :13045 to :10017. If you didn't had this flag defined and wish to keep the old default, define substreams-tier2-grpc-listen-addr: :13045.

Protobuf model changes

  • Added field DetailLevel (Base, Extended(default)) to sf.ethereum.type.v2.Block to distinguish the new blocks produced from polling RPC (base) from the blocks normally produced with firehose instrumentation (extended)

Tools changes

  • Added command tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks to go through a range of possibly corrupted merged-blocks (with duplicates and out-of-range blocks) and try to fix them, writing the fixed merged-blocks files to another destination.


  • Transform sf.ethereum.transform.v1.LightBlock is not supported, this has been deprecated for a long time and should not be used anywhere.

Finding and fixing corrupted merged-blocks files

You may have certain merged-blocks files (most likely OLD blocks) that contain more than 100 blocks (with duplicate or extra out-of-bound blocks)

  • Find the affected files by running the following command (can be run multiple times in parallel, over smaller ranges)
tools check merged-blocks-batch <merged-blocks-store> <start> <stop>
  • If you see any affected range, produce fixed merged-blocks files with the following command, on each range:
tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks <merged-blocks-store> <output-store> <start>:<stop>
  • Copy the merged-blocks files created in output-store over to the your merged-blocks-store, replacing the corrupted files.

Fixed since v2.0.0-rc.1

  • Fixed the fix-polygon-index tool (parsing error made it unusable)
  • Fixed some false positives in compare-blocks-rpc