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Mega-Hack: "" Support
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* allows for dependency bleed between different go modules in the workspace - this is sorta by design for this stepping stone, but is far from ideal
* doesn't support replace statements in yet (but that shouldn't be to hard to add)

continue the megahack experiment: handle replace in

Lets provide a warning if differing versions are discovered

Improve duplicate Version Warning Message

* include both core + meta version segments in warning. 0.0.0 vs 0.0.0 isn't useful
* include label were offending versions reside

ensure error message is valid for all three scenarios

1) if external dependencies are out of sync, and something go work sync can handle, inform the user to run `go work sync`
2) if in-repo dependencies managed by are out of sync inform the user to manually correct
3) if external dependencies have the same core version, but a different meta version tell the user to manually correct

transition warning to error and touchup message

Add tests for handling files

These tests aren't exhaustive, but they match the testing done for go.mod
files. In the future, it would likely be good to add additional more
comprehensive tests.
  • Loading branch information
stefanpenner authored and Stefan Penner committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent ec1591c commit 9205f89
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Showing 24 changed files with 599 additions and 160 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .bazelci/presubmit.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ tasks:
# Regenerate the BUILD file for the test module using Gazelle.
# Also verify -repo_config are generated correctly in gazelle.bash
- rm pkg/BUILD.bazel
- touch pkg/BUILD.bazel # ensure empty pkg/BUILD.bazel exists
- bazel run //:gazelle -- update pkg
- bazel run //:gazelle -- pkg
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .bazelversion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion MODULE.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ use_repo(
bazel_dep(name = "bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin", version = "1.4.1", dev_dependency = True)
bazel_dep(name = "stardoc", version = "0.6.2", dev_dependency = True, repo_name = "io_bazel_stardoc")

go_sdk_dev = use_extension("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:extensions.bzl", "go_sdk", dev_dependency = True)

# Known to exist since it is instantiated by rules_go itself.
Expand Down
144 changes: 134 additions & 10 deletions internal/bzlmod/go_deps.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
# limitations under the License.

load("//internal:go_repository.bzl", "go_repository")
load(":go_mod.bzl", "deps_from_go_mod", "sums_from_go_mod")
load(":go_mod.bzl", "deps_from_go_mod", "parse_go_work", "sums_from_go_mod", "sums_from_go_work")
load(":semver.bzl", "semver")
load(":semver.bzl", "humanize_comparable_version", "semver")
Expand All @@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ the required directives to the "default_gazelle_overrides.bzl" file at \

def go_work_from_label(module_ctx, go_work_label):
"""Loads deps from a file"""
go_work_path = module_ctx.path(go_work_label)
go_work_content =
return parse_go_work(go_work_content, go_work_label)

def _fail_on_non_root_overrides(module_ctx, module, tag_class):
if module.is_root:
Expand All @@ -68,7 +74,8 @@ def _fail_on_unmatched_overrides(override_keys, resolutions, override_name):
unmatched_overrides = [path for path in override_keys if path not in resolutions]
if unmatched_overrides:
fail("Some {} did not target a Go module with a matching path: {}".format(
override_name, ", ".join(unmatched_overrides)
", ".join(unmatched_overrides),

def _check_directive(directive):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,6 +201,78 @@ _go_repository_config = repository_rule(

def fail_on_version_conflict(version, previous, module_tag, module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label, go_works, fail_or_warn):
Check if duplicate modules have different versions, and fail with a useful error message if they do.
version: The version of the module.
previous: The previous module object.
module_tag: The module tag.
module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label: A dictionary mapping module paths to go.mod labels.
go_works: A list of go_work objects representing use statements in the file.
previous: The previous module object.

if not previous:
# no previous module, so no possible error

if not previous or version == previous.version:
# version is the same, skip because we won't error

# When using, duplicate dependency versions are possible.
# This can cause issues, so we fail with a hopefully actionable error.
current_label = module_tag.parent_label

previous_label = previous.module_tag.parent_label

corrective_measure = None
default_corrective_mesasure = "To correct this:\n 1. manually update: all go.mod files to ensure the versions of '{}' are the same.\n 2. in the folder where you made changes to run: go mod tidy\n 3. run: go work sync.".format(module_tag.path)

if previous.version[0] == version[0] or str(current_label).endswith("") or str(previous_label).endswith(""):
corrective_measure = default_corrective_mesasure
label = module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label.get(module_tag.path)

if label:
# if the label is present that means the module_tag is of a go.mod file, which means the correct action may be different.

# if the duplicate module in question is provided by use statement then only manual intervention can fix it
# from_file_tags on go_work represents use statements in the file
for from_file_tags in [go_work.from_file_tags for go_work in go_works]:
for from_file_tag in from_file_tags:
if from_file_tag.go_mod == label:
corrective_measure = default_corrective_mesasure
elif previous.module_tag.indirect or module_tag.indirect:
# if the dependency indirect, the user will need to manually update go.mod, run go mod tidy in that directory and then run go work sync
corrective_measure = default_corrective_mesasure
# TODO: if the version are v0.8.0 and v0.17.0 go work sync wont work
# ensure the corrective measure describes this. Maybe this is limited to indirect dependencies
corrective_measure = "To correct this, run:\n 1. go work sync."

message = "Multiple versions of {} found:\n - {} contains: {}\n - {} contains {}.\n{}".format(module_tag.path, current_label, humanize_comparable_version(version), previous_label, humanize_comparable_version(previous.version), corrective_measure)

if fail_or_warn:

def _fail_if_not_root(module, from_file_tag):
if module.is_root != True:
fail("go_deps.from_file(go_work = '{}') tag can only be used from a root module but: '{}' is not a root module.".format(from_file_tag.go_work,

def _fail_if_invalid_from_file_usage(from_file_tag):
if (
(from_file_tag.go_work == None and from_file_tag.go_mod == None) and
(from_file_tag.go_work != None and from_file_tag.go_mod != None)
fail("go_deps.from_file tag must have either go_work or go_mod attribute, but not both.")

def _noop(_):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,9 +330,40 @@ def _go_deps_impl(module_ctx):
", ".join([str(tag.go_mod) for tag in module.tags.from_file]),

additional_module_tags = []
from_file_tags = []
go_works = []
module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label = {}

for from_file_tag in module.tags.from_file:
module_path, module_tags_from_go_mod, go_mod_replace_map = deps_from_go_mod(module_ctx, from_file_tag.go_mod)

if from_file_tag.go_mod:
elif from_file_tag.go_work:
_fail_if_not_root(module, from_file_tag)

go_work = go_work_from_label(module_ctx, from_file_tag.go_work)

# this ensures replacements as considered
additional_module_tags += [
with_replaced_or_new_fields(tag, _is_dev_dependency = False)
for tag in go_work.module_tags

for entry, new_sum in sums_from_go_work(module_ctx, from_file_tag.go_work).items():
_safe_insert_sum(sums, entry, new_sum)

from_file_tags = from_file_tags + go_work.from_file_tags
fail("Either \"go_mod\" or \"go_work\" must be specified in \"go_deps.from_file\" tags.")

for from_file_tag in from_file_tags:
module_path, module_tags_from_go_mod, go_mod_replace_map, module_name = deps_from_go_mod(module_ctx, from_file_tag.go_mod)
module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label[module_name] = from_file_tag.go_mod
is_dev_dependency = _is_dev_dependency(module_ctx, from_file_tag)
additional_module_tags += [
with_replaced_or_new_fields(tag, _is_dev_dependency = is_dev_dependency)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,12 +414,12 @@ def _go_deps_impl(module_ctx):
# transitive dependencies have also been declared - we may end up
# resolving them to higher versions, but only compatible ones.
paths = {}

for module_tag in module.tags.module + additional_module_tags:
if module_tag.path in paths:
fail("Duplicate Go module path \"{}\" in module \"{}\".".format(module_tag.path,
if not module_tag.path in paths:
paths[module_tag.path] = None
if module_tag.path in bazel_deps:
paths[module_tag.path] = None
raw_version = _canonicalize_raw_version(module_tag.version)

# For modules imported from a go.sum, we know which ones are direct
Expand All @@ -325,6 +435,14 @@ def _go_deps_impl(module_ctx):
root_module_direct_deps[_repo_name(module_tag.path)] = None

version = semver.to_comparable(raw_version)
previous = paths.get(module_tag.path)

fail_or_warn = len([x for x in module.tags.from_file if x.fail_on_version_conflict == True]) > 0

# rather then failing, we could do MVS here, or some other heuristic
fail_on_version_conflict(version, previous, module_tag, module_name_to_go_dot_mod_label, go_works, fail_or_warn)
paths[module_tag.path] = struct(version = version, module_tag = module_tag)

if module_tag.path not in module_resolutions or version > module_resolutions[module_tag.path].version:
module_resolutions[module_tag.path] = struct(
repo_name = _repo_name(module_tag.path),
Expand All @@ -341,7 +459,6 @@ def _go_deps_impl(module_ctx):
# in the module resolutions and swapping out the entry.
for path, replace in replace_map.items():
if path in module_resolutions:

# If the replace directive specified a version then we only
# apply it if the versions match.
if replace.from_version:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,13 +593,14 @@ def _get_sum_from_module(path, module, sums):
entry = (module.replace, module.raw_version)

if entry not in sums:
# TODO: if no sum exist, this is probably because a go mod tidy was missed
fail("No sum for {}@{} found".format(path, module.raw_version))

return sums[entry]

def _safe_insert_sum(sums, entry, new_sum):
if entry in sums and new_sum != sums[entry]:
fail("Multiple mismatching sums for {}@{} found.".format(entry[0], entry[1]))
fail("Multiple mismatching sums for {}@{} found. {} vs {}".format(entry[0], entry[1], new_sum, sums[entry]))
sums[entry] = new_sum

def _canonicalize_raw_version(raw_version):
Expand All @@ -500,7 +618,9 @@ _config_tag = tag_class(

_from_file_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"go_mod": attr.label(mandatory = True),
"go_mod": attr.label(mandatory = False),
"go_work": attr.label(mandatory = False),
"fail_on_version_conflict": attr.bool(default = True),

Expand All @@ -515,6 +635,10 @@ _module_tag = tag_class(
"build_naming_convention": attr.string(doc = """Removed, do not use""", default = ""),
"build_file_proto_mode": attr.string(doc = """Removed, do not use""", default = ""),
"parent_label": attr.label(
doc = """The label of the go.mod or file that this module was imported from.""",
default = Label("//:MODULE.bazel"),

Expand Down

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