This is a minigames hub made with python and the customtkinter module, featuring popular games such as TicTacToe, Hangman, Snake and Gamele. We are hoping to improve this project massively over time and soon introducing a completely new game, Gamele, guess the video game character, styled similarly to games such as Wordle.
- 2 player mode, player one is X and player two is O Hangman:
- Restart or Quit if you lose
- Great sound effects for feedback
- Increasing difficulty as game progresses
- Newly released game!
- Guess the video game character
- Styled similarly to games such as Wordle
- Based on web technologies
- Over 500 different characters, including obscure and well popular ones
- Stylish icons
- Button press sound feedback
The MIT License lets you do almost anything you want with this project, even making and distributing closed source versions.