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Merge pull request #7 from starkiller-astro/explicit_loops
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Loop restructuring
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jaharris87 authored Jul 15, 2024
2 parents 94020c1 + 2f0b92c commit d8a33d3
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,533 additions and 1,295 deletions.
31 changes: 2 additions & 29 deletions source/xnet_conditions.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,35 +132,8 @@ Subroutine t9rhofind_vector(kstep,tf,nf,t9f,rhof,mask_in)

Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
If ( mask(izb) ) Then

! For constant conditions (nh = 1), set temperature and density
If ( nh(izb) == 1 ) Then
t9f(izb) = t9h(1,izb)
rhof(izb) = rhoh(1,izb)
nf(izb) = 1

! Otherwise, calculate T9 and rho by interpolation
Do n = 1, nh(izb)
If ( tf(izb) <= th(n,izb) ) Exit
nf(izb) = n
If ( n > 1 .and. n <= nh(izb) ) Then
rdt = 1.0 / (th(n,izb)-th(n-1,izb))
dt = tf(izb) - th(n-1,izb)
dt9 = t9h(n,izb) - t9h(n-1,izb)
drho = rhoh(n,izb) - rhoh(n-1,izb)
t9f(izb) = dt*rdt*dt9 + t9h(n-1,izb)
rhof(izb) = dt*rdt*drho + rhoh(n-1,izb)
ElseIf ( n == 1 ) Then
t9f(izb) = t9h(1,izb)
rhof(izb) = rhoh(1,izb)
t9f(izb) = t9h(nh(izb),izb)
rhof(izb) = rhoh(nh(izb),izb)
Write(lun_stdout,*) 'Time beyond thermodynamic range',tf(izb),' >',th(nh(izb),izb)
Call t9rhofind_scalar(kstep,tf(izb),nf(izb),t9f(izb),rhof(izb), &
& nh(izb),th(:,izb),t9h(:,izb),rhoh(:,izb))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion source/xnet_controls.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Subroutine read_controls(data_dir)
Allocate (zone_id(3,nzevolve))
Allocate (lzactive(nzevolve))
Allocate (iweak(nzevolve),lun_ev(nzevolve),lun_ts(nzevolve))
Allocate (kmon(2,nzevolve),ktot(5,nzevolve))
Allocate (kmon(5,nzevolve),ktot(5,nzevolve))
!$omp parallel default(shared)
zb_offset = (tid-1) * nzbatchmx
zb_lo = zb_offset + 1
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34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions source/xnet_data.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,19 +108,19 @@ Subroutine partf(t9,mask_in)
! This routine calculates the nuclear partition functions as a function of temperature.
Use xnet_controls, Only: idiag, iheat, lun_diag, nzevolve, zb_lo, zb_hi, lzactive
Use xnet_controls, Only: idiag, iheat, lun_diag, zb_lo, zb_hi, lzactive
Use xnet_types, Only: dp
Use xnet_util, Only: safe_exp
Implicit None

! Input variables
Real(dp), Intent(in) :: t9(nzevolve)
Real(dp), Intent(in) :: t9(zb_lo:zb_hi)

! Optional variables
Logical, Optional, Target, Intent(in) :: mask_in(zb_lo:zb_hi)

! Local variables
Integer :: i, ii, izb
Integer :: i, ii, k, izb
Real(dp) :: rdt9
Logical, Pointer :: mask(:)

Expand All @@ -139,27 +139,39 @@ Subroutine partf(t9,mask_in)
ii = i

! Linear interpolation in log-space
gg(0,izb) = 1.0 ! placeholder for non-nuclei, gamma-rays, etc.
Select Case (ii)
Case (1)
gg(1:ny,izb) = g(1,1:ny)
Do k = 1, ny
gg(k,izb) = g(1,k)
Case (ng+1)
gg(1:ny,izb) = g(ng,1:ny)
Do k = 1, ny
gg(k,izb) = g(ng,k)
Case Default
rdt9 = (t9(izb)-t9i(ii-1)) / (t9i(ii)-t9i(ii-1))
gg(1:ny,izb) = safe_exp( rdt9*log(g(ii,1:ny)) + (1.0-rdt9)*log(g(ii-1,1:ny)) )
Do k = 1, ny
gg(k,izb) = safe_exp( rdt9*log(g(ii,k)) + (1.0-rdt9)*log(g(ii-1,k)) )
End Select
gg(0,izb) = 1.0 ! placeholder for non-nuclei, gamma-rays, etc.

If ( iheat > 0 ) Then
dlngdt9(0,izb) = 0.0
Select Case (ii)
Case (1)
dlngdt9(1:ny,izb) = log(g(2,1:ny)/g(1,1:ny)) / (t9i(2)-t9i(1))
Do k = 1, ny
dlngdt9(k,izb) = log(g(2,k)/g(1,k)) / (t9i(2)-t9i(1))
Case (ng+1)
dlngdt9(1:ny,izb) = log(g(ng,1:ny)/g(ng-1,1:ny)) / (t9i(ng)-t9i(ng-1))
Do k = 1, ny
dlngdt9(k,izb) = log(g(ng,k)/g(ng-1,k)) / (t9i(ng)-t9i(ng-1))
Case Default
dlngdt9(1:ny,izb) = log(g(ii,1:ny)/g(ii-1,1:ny)) / (t9i(ii)-t9i(ii-1))
Do k = 1, ny
dlngdt9(k,izb) = log(g(ii,k)/g(ii-1,k)) / (t9i(ii)-t9i(ii-1))
End Select
dlngdt9(0,izb) = 0.0
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90 changes: 51 additions & 39 deletions source/xnet_evolve.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ Subroutine full_net(kstep)
start_timer = xnet_wtime()
timer_xnet = timer_xnet - start_timer

! Initialize counters
kstep = 0
Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
kmon(:,izb) = 0
ktot(:,izb) = 0

! Set reaction controls not read in from control
idiag0 = idiag
Expand All @@ -76,10 +70,16 @@ Subroutine full_net(kstep)
t9t(izb) = t9(izb)
rhoo(izb) = rho(izb)
rhot(izb) = rho(izb)
yet(izb) = ye(izb)
yeo(izb) = ye(izb)
yo(:,izb) = y(:,izb)
yt(:,izb) = y(:,izb)
yet(izb) = ye(izb)
Do k = 1, ny
yo(k,izb) = y(k,izb)
yt(k,izb) = y(k,izb)
Do k = 1, 5
kmon(k,izb) = 0
ktot(k,izb) = 0

en0 = 0.0
Expand All @@ -100,16 +100,20 @@ Subroutine full_net(kstep)
! Output initial abundances and conditions
Call ts_output(0,delta_en,edot)

! Start evolution
! Initialize timestep loop flags
kstep = 0
mykstep = 0
lzsolve = lzactive(zb_lo:zb_hi)
lzoutput = lzsolve
Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
If ( lzactive(izb) ) Then
If ( lzsolve(izb) ) Then
its(izb) = 0
its(izb) = -1
lzsolve(izb) = lzactive(izb)
mykstep(izb) = 0

! Start evolution
Do kstep = 1, kstmx

! Determine if this is an output step
Expand All @@ -129,47 +133,55 @@ Subroutine full_net(kstep)
Call solve_be(kstep,its)
End Select

Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
izone = izb + szbatch - zb_lo
! If convergence is successful, output timestep results
If ( idiag >= 1 ) Then
Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
izone = izb + szbatch - zb_lo
If ( its(izb) == 0 .and. idiag >= 1 ) Then
Write(lun_diag,"(2(a,i5),5es14.7)") &
& 'KStep ',kstep,' Zone ',izone,t(izb),tdel(izb),t9(izb),rho(izb),ye(izb)
If ( idiag >= 3 ) Then
Write(lun_diag,"(a8)") 'delta Y'
Write(lun_diag,"(8x,a5,4es12.4)") &
& (nname(k),y(k,izb),yo(k,izb),(y(k,izb)-yo(k,izb)),(tdel(izb)*ydot(k,izb)),k=1,ny)
If ( iheat > 0 ) Write(lun_diag,"(8x,a5,4es12.4)") &
& 'T9',t9(izb),t9o(izb),t9(izb)-t9o(izb),tdel(izb)*t9dot(izb)
ElseIf ( its(izb) == 1 ) Then
Write(lun_diag,"(a,2(i5,a))") 'KStep ',kstep,' Zone ',izone,' Inter!!!'

! If convergence is successful, output timestep results
Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
If ( its(izb) == 0 ) Then
If ( idiag >= 1 ) Write(lun_diag,"(2(a,i5),5es14.7)") &
& 'KStep ',kstep,' Zone ',izone,t(izb),tdel(izb),t9(izb),rho(izb),ye(izb)
If ( idiag >= 3 ) Then
Write(lun_diag,"(a8)") 'delta Y'
Write(lun_diag,"(8x,a5,4es12.4)") &
& (nname(k),y(k,izb),yo(k,izb),(y(k,izb)-yo(k,izb)),(tdel(izb)*ydot(k,izb)),k=1,ny)
If ( iheat > 0 ) Write(lun_diag,"(8x,a5,4es12.4)") &
& 'T9',t9(izb),t9o(izb),t9(izb)-t9o(izb),tdel(izb)*t9dot(izb)

enold(izb) = enm(izb)
Call benuc(yt(:,izb),enb(izb),enm(izb))
delta_en(izb) = enm(izb) - en0(izb)
edot(izb) = -(enm(izb)-enold(izb)) / tdel(izb)

! If reduced timesteps fail to successfully integrate, warn and flag to remove from loop
ElseIf ( its(izb) == 1 ) Then
If ( idiag >= 0 ) Write(lun_diag,"(a,2(i5,a))") 'KStep ',kstep,' Zone ',izone,' Inter!!!'
its(izb) = 2

lzoutput = ( lzsolve .and. its <= 0 )
Call ts_output(kstep,delta_en,edot,mask_in = lzoutput)

Do izb = zb_lo, zb_hi
izone = izb + szbatch - zb_lo

! If this zone reaches the stop time, flag it to remove from loop
If ( t(izb) >= tstop(izb) ) Then
mykstep(izb) = kstep
its(izb) = -1
lzsolve(izb) = .false.

! If reduced timesteps fail to successfully integrate, flag it to remove from loop
ElseIf ( its(izb) == 1 ) Then
its(izb) = 2
lzsolve(izb) = .false.
lzoutput(izb) = .false.
ElseIf ( its(izb) < 0 ) Then
lzsolve(izb) = .false.
lzoutput(izb) = .false.

Call ts_output(kstep,delta_en,edot,mask_in = lzoutput)

! Test if all zones have stopped
lzsolve = ( its == 0 )
If ( .not. any( lzsolve ) ) Exit

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