You need a wvd file named l3.wvd
, placed in the same directory as l3-gui.exe
or l3-cli.exe
You can try the wvd file here, or refer to here to learn how to get client_id.bin
and private_key.pem
, and then run the following commands to get the wvd file:
# Install `pywidevine`
pip install pywidevine pyaml
# Create `wvd` File
pywidevine create-device -k private_key.pem -c client_id.bin -t "CHROME" -l 3 -o wvd
l3-cli.exe [-h] [-v] [-wvd WVD] -pssh PSSH -lic_url LIC_URL [-lic_headers LIC_HEADERS]
-pssh <PSSH>
require PSSH-lic_url <LIC_URL>
require License URL-lic_headers <LIC_HEADERS>
License Headers-wvd <WVD>
wvd File. Default by "./l3.wvd"-h
show help message-v
show program's version number
l3-cli.exe -pssh AAAAW3Bzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADsIARIQ62dqu8s0Xpa7z2FmMPGj2hoNd2lkZXZpbmVfdGVzdCIQZmtqM2xqYVNkZmFsa3IzaioCSEQyAA== -lic_url
# With License Headers
l3-cli.exe -pssh AAAANHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABQIARIQnrQFDeRLSAKTLifXUIPiZg== -lic_url -lic_headers "{ \"x-axdrm-message\": \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoxLCJjb21fa2V5X2lkIjoiYjMzNjRlYjUtNTFmNi00YWUzLThjOTgtMzNjZWQ1ZTMxYzc4IiwibWVzc2FnZSI6eyJ0eXBlIjoiZW50aXRsZW1lbnRfbWVzc2FnZSIsImtleXMiOlt7ImlkIjoiOWViNDA1MGQtZTQ0Yi00ODAyLTkzMmUtMjdkNzUwODNlMjY2IiwiZW5jcnlwdGVkX2tleSI6ImxLM09qSExZVzI0Y3Iya3RSNzRmbnc9PSJ9XX19.4lWwW46k-oWcah8oN18LPj5OLS5ZU-_AQv7fe0JhNjA\" }"
Require: Python 3
# Install
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Build
pyinstaller -F
pyinstaller -F --noconsole