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1249: Cache Interceptor Instance; Do not pass Workflow to render()
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steve-the-edwards committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 3b56a15 commit a047b10
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Expand Up @@ -113,11 +113,49 @@ public interface Workflow<in PropsT, out OutputT, out RenderingT> {

* Uses the given [function][transform] to transform a [Workflow] that
* renders [FromRenderingT] to one renders [ToRenderingT],
* renders [FromRenderingT] to one renders [ToRenderingT].
* Note that since this function uses the [identifier] of the Workflow being
* mapped, it can only be applied *once* to a given Workflow unless a different
* key is passed for the subsequent [renderChild] call.
* In other words, if you would like to use this to create several child workflows
* by mapping from a single base child, you *must* render each with a separate key.
* Consider this example:
* ```
* when (props) {
* 0 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering1: $it" })
* 1 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering2: $it" })
* else -> fail()
* }
* ```
* When `props` shifts from `0` to `1` the identities of both `childWorkflow`
* and the derived workflow created by `mapRendering` are unchanged, and
* so the session started at `0` continues uninterrupted -- we keep rendering
* `rendering1` and never see `rendering2`.
* Fix that by passing unique `key` arguments to `render` child (or simply
* calling [transform] directly on the rendering itself if it is cheap and
* idempotent).
* ```
* when (props) {
* 0 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering1: $it" })
* 1 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering2: $it" }, "rendering2")
* else -> fail()
* }
* ```
* If that is not practical you should likely just create 2 different concrete
* workflow types with the same interface, base class, or some other form of
* re-use.
public fun <PropsT, OutputT, FromRenderingT, ToRenderingT>
Workflow<PropsT, OutputT, FromRenderingT>.mapRendering(
transform: (FromRenderingT) -> ToRenderingT
transform: (FromRenderingT) -> ToRenderingT,
): Workflow<PropsT, OutputT, ToRenderingT> =
object : StatelessWorkflow<PropsT, OutputT, ToRenderingT>(), ImpostorWorkflow {
override val realIdentifier: WorkflowIdentifier get() = this@mapRendering.identifier
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ public class WorkflowIdentifier internal constructor(

* Used to detect when this [WorkflowIdentifier] is a deeply stubbed mock. Stubs are provided
* until a primitive, in this case the typeName. This lets us determine if we are a mock
* object, or a real one. Mea culpa.
* Used to detect when this [WorkflowIdentifier] is a deeply stubbed mock. When mocking, object
* Stubs are provided until a primitive is hit, in this case the typeName (a [String]).
* This lets us determine if we are a mock object, or a real one. Mea culpa.
internal val deepNameCheck = type.typeName

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ public val Workflow<*, *, *>.identifier: WorkflowIdentifier
is IdCacheable -> {
// The following lines look more complex than they need to be. If we have not yet cached
// the identifier, we do. But we return the [computedIdentifier] value directly as in the
// case of tests which use mocks we want to ensure that we return what is on line 180 -
// case of tests which use mocks we want to ensure that we return what is on line 203 -
// "WorkflowIdentifier(Snapshottable(this::class))" as that depends solely on types.
// We do the 'senseless' comparison of .type.typeName here to detect the case where we
// We do the 'senseless' comparison of .deepNameCheck here to detect the case where we
// we have mocks with deep stubs but the name itself (a String) is null.
// The reason this is so complicated is this caching has been added afterword via the
// The reason this is so complicated is this caching has been added afterwards via the
// [IdCacheable] interface so that the [Workflow] interface itself remains unchanged.
if (cachedIdentifier == null || cachedIdentifier!!.deepNameCheck == null) {
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Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ internal class SubtreeManager<PropsT, StateT, OutputT>(
return stagedChild.render(child.asStatefulWorkflow(), props)
return stagedChild.render(props)

Expand All @@ -163,8 +163,7 @@ internal class SubtreeManager<PropsT, StateT, OutputT>(
fun createChildSnapshots(): Map<WorkflowNodeId, TreeSnapshot> {
val snapshots = mutableMapOf<WorkflowNodeId, TreeSnapshot>()
children.forEachActive { child ->
val childWorkflow = child.workflow.asStatefulWorkflow()
snapshots[] = child.workflowNode.snapshot(childWorkflow)
snapshots[] = child.workflowNode.snapshot()
return snapshots
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.squareup.workflow1.internal

import com.squareup.workflow1.StatefulWorkflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.Workflow
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowAction
import com.squareup.workflow1.WorkflowTracer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,14 +50,10 @@ internal class WorkflowChildNode<
* Wrapper around [WorkflowNode.render] that allows calling it with erased types.
fun <R> render(
workflow: StatefulWorkflow<*, *, *, *>,
props: Any?
): R {
return workflowNode.render(
workflow as StatefulWorkflow<ChildPropsT, out Any?, ChildOutputT, Nothing>,
props as ChildPropsT
) as R
return workflowNode.render(props as ChildPropsT) as R

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Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ internal class WorkflowNode<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>(
override val identifier: WorkflowIdentifier get() = id.identifier
override val renderKey: String get() =
override val sessionId: Long = idCounter.createId()
private val interceptedWorkflow: StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>

private val subtreeManager = SubtreeManager(
snapshotCache = snapshot?.childTreeSnapshots,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ internal class WorkflowNode<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>(
init {
interceptor.onSessionStarted(this, this)

state = interceptor.intercept(workflow, this)
.initialState(initialProps, snapshot?.workflowSnapshot, this)
interceptedWorkflow = interceptor.intercept(workflow, this)
state = interceptedWorkflow.initialState(initialProps, snapshot?.workflowSnapshot, this)

override fun toString(): String {
Expand All @@ -118,24 +119,35 @@ internal class WorkflowNode<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>(
* [RenderContext][com.squareup.workflow1.BaseRenderContext] to give its children a chance to
* render themselves and aggregate those child renderings.
fun render(
workflow: StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, *, OutputT, RenderingT>,
input: PropsT
): RenderingT =
renderWithStateType(workflow as StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>, input)
props: PropsT
): RenderingT {

val rendering = interceptedWorkflow.render(props, state, context)

workflowTracer.trace("UpdateRuntimeTree") {
// Tear down workflows and workers that are obsolete.
// Side effect jobs are launched lazily, since they can send actions to the sink, and can only
// be started after context is frozen.
sideEffects.forEachStaging { it.job.start() }
sideEffects.commitStaging { it.job.cancel() }

return rendering

* Walk the tree of state machines again, this time gathering snapshots and aggregating them
* automatically.
fun snapshot(workflow: StatefulWorkflow<*, *, *, *>): TreeSnapshot {
val typedWorkflow = workflow as StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>
fun snapshot(): TreeSnapshot {
return interceptor.onSnapshotStateWithChildren({
val childSnapshots = subtreeManager.createChildSnapshots()
val rootSnapshot = interceptor.intercept(typedWorkflow, this)
val rootSnapshot = interceptedWorkflow.snapshotState(state)
workflowSnapshot = rootSnapshot,
// Create the snapshots eagerly since subtreeManager is mutable.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,40 +214,11 @@ internal class WorkflowNode<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>(

* Contains the actual logic for [render], after we've casted the passed-in [Workflow]'s
* state type to our `StateT`.
private fun renderWithStateType(
workflow: StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>,
props: PropsT
): RenderingT {
updatePropsAndState(workflow, props)

val rendering = interceptor.intercept(workflow, this)
.render(props, state, context)

workflowTracer.trace("UpdateRuntimeTree") {
// Tear down workflows and workers that are obsolete.
// Side effect jobs are launched lazily, since they can send actions to the sink, and can only
// be started after context is frozen.
sideEffects.forEachStaging { it.job.start() }
sideEffects.commitStaging { it.job.cancel() }

return rendering

private fun updatePropsAndState(
workflow: StatefulWorkflow<PropsT, StateT, OutputT, RenderingT>,
newProps: PropsT
) {
if (newProps != lastProps) {
val newState = interceptor.intercept(workflow, this)
.onPropsChanged(lastProps, newProps, state)
val newState = interceptedWorkflow.onPropsChanged(lastProps, newProps, state)
state = newState
lastProps = newProps
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Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ internal class WorkflowRunner<PropsT, OutputT, RenderingT>(
fun nextRendering(): RenderingAndSnapshot<RenderingT> {
return interceptor.onRenderAndSnapshot(currentProps, { props ->
val rendering = rootNode.render(workflow, props)
val snapshot = rootNode.snapshot(workflow)
val rendering = rootNode.render(props)
val snapshot = rootNode.snapshot()
RenderingAndSnapshot(rendering, snapshot)
}, rootNode)
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Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class WorkflowOperatorsTest {

fun mapRendering_with_same_upstream_workflow_in_two_different_passes_does_not_restart() {
fun mapRendering_with_same_upstream_workflow_in_two_different_passes_uses_same_instance() {
val trigger = MutableStateFlow("initial")
val childWorkflow = object : StateFlowWorkflow<String>("child", trigger) {}
val parentWorkflow = Workflow.stateless<Int, Nothing, String> { props ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,8 +194,76 @@ class WorkflowOperatorsTest {
"rendering1: initial",
"rendering1: foo",
"rendering1: foo",
"rendering1: bar"


fun mapRendering_with_same_upstream_workflow_and_diff_keys_uses_different_instance() {
val trigger = MutableStateFlow("initial")
val childWorkflow = object : StateFlowWorkflow<String>("child", trigger) {}
val parentWorkflow = Workflow.stateless<Int, Nothing, String> { props ->
when (props) {
0 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering1: $it" })
1 -> renderChild(childWorkflow.mapRendering { "rendering2: $it" }, "rendering2")
else -> fail()
val props = MutableStateFlow(0)

runTest(UnconfinedTestDispatcher()) {
val renderings = mutableListOf<String>()
val workflowJob = Job(coroutineContext[Job])
renderWorkflowIn(parentWorkflow, this + workflowJob, props) {}
.onEach { renderings += it.rendering }
.launchIn(this + workflowJob)
"rendering1: initial"
assertEquals(1, childWorkflow.starts)

trigger.value = "foo"
assertEquals(1, childWorkflow.starts)
"rendering1: initial",
"rendering1: foo"

props.value = 1
// Start another child workflow node.
assertEquals(2, childWorkflow.starts)
"rendering1: initial",
"rendering1: foo",
// 2 renderings, 1 for the props, the 2nd for the worker triggering on the new instance.
"rendering2: foo",
"rendering2: foo",

trigger.value = "bar"
assertEquals(2, childWorkflow.starts)
"rendering1: initial",
"rendering1: foo",
"rendering2: foo",
"rendering2: foo",
"rendering2: bar"
"rendering2: bar",
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