Since Spree 4.1 this extension is deprecated and not needed. Spree 4.1 supports full page caching out of the box
This gem makes it safe to fully cache pages in spree application.
It doesn't specifiy what pages / actions to cache as that's application specific, but it does include coarse sweepers for products and taxon.
You generally need to include the following overrides into your application:
Spree::HomeController.class_eval do
caches_page :index
Spree::ProductsController.class_eval do
caches_page :index, :show
Spree::TaxonsController.class_eval do
caches_page :index, :show
Add this to your gem file Gemfile
gem "spree_page_cache"
rake spree_page_cache:install
Copyright (c) 2011 Neeraj Singh, released under the New BSD License