Select correction source based on priority
Note: You can load the latest firmware or release candidate over the air. Alternatively, there is a GUI process as well.
Changes in this release:
- Bug #240 - Allow a fully discharged Torch to charge quickly.
- Bug #231 - Select the correct ZTP token for the EVK platform.
- Bug #222 - Correctly pass RTCM to NTRIP Caster during base operation
- Bug #141 - Restart WiFi if settings change
- Bug #263 - Don't modify NTRIP Client setting upon entering WiFi Config
- Bug #260 - Enable RTCM when exiting PointPerfect menu, as needed
- Bug #255 - Avoid um980UnicoreHandler on non-Torch platforms
- Bug #241 - Remove WiFi.setSleep to allow WiFi+BLE+ESP-NOW
- Bug #232 - Make ESP-NOW work alongside WiFi
- Bug #229 - Fix crash on EVK in 'Cfg Eth' Mode
- Bug #224 - Fix Bluetooth on EVK
- Feature #236 - Allow firmware update via Bluetooth config
- Feature #247 - Sort corrections priorities via WiFi config page
- Feature #237 - Return ERROR from command interface if setting is unknown.
- Feature #228 - Remove old ntripServer_StartAtSurveyIn setting.
- Feature #144 - Remove reliance on 2nd MQTT library ("PubSub" library)
- Feature #230 - Update WiFi config page for use with Torch/EVK
- Feature - Avoid use of wifiMulti if only one WiFi network entered to shorten AP connection time.
- Feature - Allow firmware update during WiFi AP mode