Play in Browser -
Install the dependencies and devDependencies to start the server.
$ cd folder
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate (*Nix)
$ source venv/Scripts/activate (Windows)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, in your .env file, add the following:
source env/bin/activate
export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export SECRET_TOKEN = <secret>
export CSRF_SECRET_TOKEN = <secret>
Note: Create a secret.cfg file with config values in root folder
Run the following to update then refresh your .bashrc:
$ echo "source `which`" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Now, if you move up a directory and then cd back into it, the virtual environment will automatically be started and the APP_SETTINGS variable is declared.
Start the server
$ python
You will see Running on Access the url in your browser
W - Run Up
A - Run Left
S - Run Down
D - Run Right
Tab - Place Brick
####Enrique (To Win) - Collect Tacos and Destroy the wall!
Up - Run Up
Left - Run Left
Down - Run Down
Right - Run Right
Spacebar - Throw Taco
- Character and Art Design: Benny Bowden
- Gameplay and Interface Design: Jason Toevs
- Development and Coding: Sandip Southekal