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A partial implementation of the JSONPath specification in Elm.

Live demo

Before adding this package to your project, you can try out the latest version here.


elm install sophiecollard/jsonpath


import Json.Decode
import JsonPath
import JsonPath.Error exposing (Error)

sampleJson : Json.Decode.Value
sampleJson =
    ... -- Your JSON here. See the sampleJson value in docs/Sample.elm for instance.

extractedJson : Result Error Json.Decode.Value
extractedJson = "$[*].author" sampleJson

The JsonPath module exposes run and runStrict functions, both of which take 2 arguments:

  1. A String representing a JSONPath expression
  2. A value of type Json.Decode.Value

Remember that you can parse a raw JSON String into a Json.Decode.Value like this:

parseJson : String -> Result Json.Decode.Error Json.Decode.Value
parseJson string =
    Json.Decode.decodeString Json.Decode.value string

run vs runStrict

The distinction between run and runStrict is best understood with an example, using the raw or parsed JSON sample in the docs folder.

With runStrict, attempts to extract the elements at $[*].isbn will fail because the first two books do not have an isbn key:

JsonPath.runStrict "$[*].isbn" sampleJson ==
    Err (KeyNotFound [ DownIndex 0, DownKey "book", DownKey "store" ] "isbn")

With run however, entries missing the isbn key are ignored and the ISBNs of the last two books returned: "$[*].isbn" sampleJson ==
    Ok (Json.Encode.list Json.Encode.string [ "0-553-21311-3", "0-395-19395-8" ])

Note that this only works with JSONPath expressions which return a list of results. With expressions which return exactly one result, both functions will yield an error if an index or key is missing. "$[5]" sampleJson ==
    (Err (IndexNotFound [ DownKey "book", DownKey "store" ] 5))


This package is a work in progress and does not yet support the full JSONPath specification. Below is a summary of the supported syntax:


Identifier Syntax Supported
Root node $
Current node @


Segment Syntax Example Supported
Children . $
Children [] $[0][author,title]
Descendants .. $.store..price
Descendants ..[] $.store..[author,title]


Selector Syntax Example Supported
Wildcard * $[*]
Array slice start:end:step $[0:4:-2]
Index 1 $[1,2,3]
Name / key name $[author,title]
Filter expression ?<logical-expr> $[?@.price < 10]


Copyright 2024 Sophie Collard.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.