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First public release - v2.0.0

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@mjpineyro mjpineyro released this 12 Nov 17:54

First public release

Version 2.0.0 is the first public release of the clew error trapping technique . Release notes for older versions of clew can be found in script "CHANGELOG" in Clew_2_0_0.fmp12.

If you are working on a FileMaker solution that uses an older version of clew, and you need assistance with it, instructions to upgrade from one version of clew to another, etc, you may contact Marcelo Piñeyro

Getting started

To start using clew v2.0.0, import the custom functions in the attached clew_2_0_0.fmp12 file into your FileMaker solution.

For documentation and examples of how to use the functions to add error trapping to your solution:

  • Reference the scripts in the clew FileMaker file
  • Reference the attached diagram that shows the structure of a typical script written using clew