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Technical notes on crossplatform video

sofian edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 1 revision

Ideally we want to find a tool that does everything on every platform. Practically, we would be happy with multiple tools, as long as they are cross-platform (eg. one tool for video reading, another for capture).

Library Description Video cap. Video source
Myron/WebCamXTra That's the one used in Processing for video capture Yes No
Portvideo (latest version is here Cross-platform video capture (Linux, Mac, Windows). That's what Myron/Webcamxtra is actually using. Yes No
OpenCV HighGui Well-known cross-platform computer vision software (see reference with example here Yes ???
OpenML Cross-platform media library Yes ???
ReacTIvision Software for augmented reality applications (we could strip the code) Yes ???
GStreamer Cross-platform library for media No sure (With v4l under Linux, not sure about other platforms) Yes
QtMultimedia (en français) and Phonon (see also Phonon main page) Cross-platform media library in Qt (which we are already using). Phonon is the high-level module for QtMultimedia. However it might look too good to be true. No sure. There is this "Phonon capture API" that looks interesting but it's from 2010 and seems to work just on Linux. Yes