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Releases: smithjd/sqlpetr

Next to last release before workshop

28 Mar 17:51
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This is the release we'll be using for the workshop unless major bugs emerge before then.


02 Feb 18:39
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February 2, 2019 release:

  • Refactored the Docker system2 interface. The book still compiles; everything the book references has the same API it did before, although I think it's better documented now.
  • The vignette is now built with the self-contained = FALSE option. This keeps the vignette rendering from crashing in pandoc on Windows. See issue #35
  • Added functions to do docker ps and docker images and return the results as tibbles.
  • Added a function to build the DVD rental image. I also added a test that runs it from start to finish.
  • Added a script to install on Fedora Linux.
  • Added RSQLite as a dependency so the DBI example in the book will run.