Laravel Eloquent provides an Attribute Casting function, that allows you to automatically convert attributes to common data types.
By default, supported cast types are: integer, real, float, double, string, boolean, object, array, collection, date, datetime, and timestamp.
As you can see, custom class types are not supported. This trait adds this support, so you automatically serialize and deserialize your custom classes.
Using Composer:
$ composer require slruslan/laravel-eloquent-custom-casts --dev
Create a field of TEXT type where your data will be stored.
To enable trait, add
use Slruslan\CustomCasts\CustomCasts;
line to your Eloquent Model class.
For example:
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Slruslan\CustomCasts\CustomCasts;
class Post extends Model
use CustomCasts;
- Add your fields and class names to be serialized in protected $casts array.
protected $casts = [
'geo_location' => \App\Services\CustomLocation::class,
'another_custom_field' => \App\Services\AnotherCustomField::class
- You're ready to use your model. Here is a basic example:
$post = Post::find(1);
// For example, imagine we have an \App\Services\CustomLocation class,
// that implements any custom logics and for some reasons
// we have to store it in DB as it is.
// Let's instantinate it.
$location = new \App\Services\CustomLocation(55.9937441, 92.7521816);
// And call some methods, imagine we have them there.
// After that, we want to save it in our post model.
// We can just assign the value and call default save() method.
$post->geo_location = $location;
// It's saved. Let's get a post again
// and check the field class.
$post = Post::find(1);
var_dump($post instanceof \App\Services\CustomLocation);
// Outputs:
// bool(true)
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