Welcome to the Water Accounting Platform. The platform is designed to meet these objectives:
- Help water managers achieve groundwater sustainability goals and minimize economic costs to the community.
- Over the longer term, consider opportunities to generate additional benefits from fallowed land such as groundwater recharge basins and wildlife habitat.
- Exploring water trading policies, including reducing water trading transaction costs and facilitate effective accounting and management of available water resources.
This project is a collaborative effort by the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (https://www.rrbwsd.com), Environmental Defense Fund (https://www.edf.org), Westwater Research (http://www.waterexchange.com), and Environmental Science Associates (https://esassoc.com).
Please contact support@sitkatech.com with any questions about this project.
- Install Visual Studio 2019
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Docker
- Install Node.js
- Install these extensions for Visual Studio Code:
- Angular CLI
- Debugger for Chrome
- Docker
- npm support for VS Code
- npm commands for VS Code
- npm Intellisense
- Clone the git repository to your development machine
- Create an empty database called RioDB and create a user for it. Give the user the owner role.
- Copy [repo root dir]\docker-compose.env.template to [repo root dir]\docker-compose.env
- Update the values in the new .env file
- Add an entry to your hosts file pointing RIO_WEB_URL from the .env file to
- Open the solution in VS19 and set docker-compose as the startup project
- Press the green "play" triangle to start the API server
- Open the rio-web-workspace in VSC ([repo root dir]\Rio.Web)
- Open the VSC terminal and run npm install, then npm build, then npm start.
- Press F5 to open the web app in Google Chrome. You will be able to debug JavaScript directly in VSC.