Latent Disentanglement in Mesh Variational Autoencoders Improves the Diagnosis of Craniofacial Syndromes and Aids Surgical Planning
This repo extends the 3D Shape Variational Autoencoder Latent Disentanglement via Mini-Batch Feature Swapping for Bodies and Faces code. In particular, it provides additional functionalities that can be used for the diagnosis and surgical planning of Crouzon, Apert and Muenke craniofacial syndromes. If you use this code, please cite also the aforementioned paper.
This software was implemented on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with Python 3.8, and CUDA 10.1.
The software was also tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with Python 3.8, and CUDA 11.3.
Different OSs can be used as long as they have a pytorch-compatible GPU and
python is available. Different versions of CUDA and Python can be used.
Follow the installation instructions to make sure that the correct libraries are
installed. All the necessary dependencies will be automatically installed
following the installation instructions.
The version of each library is specified in the
Even though newer versions are likely to work, we guarantee the correct
functioning of the code only with the specified libraries.
After cloning the repo, open a terminal and go to the project directory.
Change the permissions of by running chmod +x ./
and run it with:
This will create a virtual environment with all the necessary libraries. The automatic installation should take approximately 7 minutes. Note that pytorch is very heavy and if a pre-existing version is not pre-cached, downloading pytorch may take up to 1 hour. The download speed is just a rough estimates because it is highly affected by the internet connection.
Note that the code was developed with Python 3.8, CUDA 10.1, and Pytorch 1.7.1.
The code was also tested with Python 3.8, CUDA 11.3, and Pytorch 1.12.1.
We provide an automatic installation script for the latest set of libraries.
The code should work also with other versions of Python, CUDA, and Pytorch.
If you wish to try running the code with more recent versions of these libraries,
change the CUDA, TORCH, TORCHVISION, and PYTHON_V variables in
If you want to install CUDA 11.3 and you already have another CUDA version, we recommend following the instruction provided at Obviously, make sure that the commands you type in the terminal have the correct CUDA version and not the one suggested in the tutorial. Before installing a new CUDA version, check the drivers compatibility at
Then activate the virtual environment :
source ./id-generator-env/bin/activate
contains a demo that even people without access to the original
dataset can use.
The demo will allow you to test the data augmentation,
classify patients, project them on the global and local latent distributions, as
well as to simulate ideal surgical procedures. The expected outputs of the
different cells are a reproduction of the images of the paper on
different patients.
Running all the cells of the demo code should take approximately 5 minutes on a laptop. Most of the time is used by the eigenvalue decomposition for the data augmentation. The respective cell is not necessary for the correct execution of the others and it can be skipped if you are not interested in demoing the spectral interpolation.
To run the demo download the demo_files
folder and copy it in the project
directory. The demo files within the demo_files
folder are:
- the precomputed down- and up-sampling transformations,
- the precomputed spirals,
- the mesh template segmented according to the different anatomical sub-units,
- the network weights,
- the pre-trained global LDA and QDA,
- the pre-trained local LDAs,
- the precomputed plots for local and global distributions,
- the data normalisation values,
- a subset of synthetic meshes obtained with our data-augmentation. Note that these meshes are not of real subjects.
We made available the configuration file used in the experiments
). If you want to train SD-VAE on your own dataset make
sure that the paths in the config file are correct and that the to_mm_constant
is correct.
Currently meshes in the dataset are labelled according to the first letter of
their filename. If you want to use our dataloaders make sure your meshes are
named according to the classes of your problem (NB. at the moment meshes with
the name starting with "n" and "b" are grouped together).
The data_summary file is an xlsx file currently used to determine which meshes
should be loaded and other information such ase patient's age and gender.
The most important functions that you may have to modify to train on a new
datased are: _process_set
in as well as
, find_data_used_from_summary
, and
To start the training from the project repo simply run:
python --config=configurations/craniofacial.yaml --id=<NAME_OF_YOUR_EXPERIMENT>
Basic tests will automatically run at the end of the training. These tests will
run on your validation set. If you wish to run experiments on the test set or if
you want to perform only a subset of the experiments presented in the paper
you can uncomment any function call at the end of
. If your model has
alredy been trained or you are using our pretrained model, you can run tests
without training:
Note that NAME_OF_YOUR_EXPERIMENT is also the name of the folder containing the pretrained model.