Code In the Dark @ Interlogica
This repository contains the code for the Code In the Dark event held in Mestre (VE).
The main server is a node.js application that serves all the APIs needed for the clients to join and get the actual state of the game. The source code can be found in the server folder.
The deploy is done on bare metal on a linux based server. You need to have git
and node
installed (use nvm!) on the remote machine . pnpm
is used to install the dependencies.
cd server
# first time only
./node_modules/.bin/pm2 deploy production setup
npm run deploy
cd server
npm install
npm start
The viewer is an Angular application that is projected on a big screen during the event. The source code can be found in the viewer folder.
To deploy the application, just put it in a s3 bucket and set the bucket as a static website.
There should be a
script in the viewer
folder that does this for you.
cd viewer
npm install
npm start
The rating app serves a web application needed by the attendees to rate the layouts created during the game. The source code can be found in the rating folder.
The app comes in two versions, but only v1 has been tested and utilised.
No installation needed
Just run a static web server on rating/v1 folder, with whatevere technology you prefer.
Example in python:
cd rating/v1
python3 -m http.server
To deploy the application, just put it in a s3 bucket and set the bucket as a static website.
There should be a
script in the rating
folder that does this for you.
The editor is an updated and modified fork of the original editor editor.
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
To deploy the application, just put it in a s3 bucket and set the bucket as a static website.
There should be a
script in the editor
folder that does this for you.