Attendance and league management for a roller derby team. Developed for and by Resurrection Roller Derby. Dev site also used as demo, live at
This app is intended to grow into a more comprehensive league management app as our needs change. Currently, the primary feature is a 'roll call' system in which a single admin can check in skaters who are in attendance at practices. Unlike other management apps, this does not require that each skater have an account or sign in. In future versions people will be able to claim their own accounts, and edit their own attendnace and data if allowed.
The advantage of this method is that it can be used as a tool for officials responsible for tracking attendance, without the buy in or overhead of having an entire league become end users.
Relies on React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB to function. Not set up for multitenancy use at this time. If we decide to release a version of it that is, that will have to be integrated later.