6 MB Tesseract 5.3.3 (with English training data) to fit inside AWS Lambda
Inspired by chrome-aws-lambda & lambda-scanner-ocr
$ yarn add @shelf/aws-lambda-tesseract
versions of this library were compiled for Node 8.10.
was compiled for Node 10.x runtime.
works for Node 12.x runtime.
works for Node 16.x runtime and compiled with Tesseract 5.1.0. It works with x86_64 CPUs for now only.
works for Node 18.x runtime and compiled with Tesseract 5.3.3. It works with arm64 CPUs.
works for Node 22.x runtime and compiled with Tesseract 5.3.3. It works with arm64 CPUs.
This package contains an archive with Tesseract 5.3.3 compiled for usage in AWS Lambda environment.
When a Lambda starts, it unpacks an archive with a binary to the /tmp
folder and makes sure it's done only once per Lambda cold start.
const {getTextFromImage, isSupportedFile} = require('@shelf/aws-lambda-tesseract');
module.exports.handler = async event => {
// assuming there is a photo.jpg inside /tmp dir
// original file will be deleted afterwards
if (!isSupportedFile('/tmp/photo.jpg')) {
return false;
return getTextFromImage('/tmp/photo.jpg');
checks that file has image-like file extension and it's not in the list of
unsupported by Tesseract file extensions.
Smoke test that it works by running test.sh
$ git checkout master
$ yarn version
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin master --tags
MIT © Shelf