angi-file is a directive for angularjs to help you make a model for input file and validate for supported file formats.
- Support two way data binding using ng-model
- Support file format validations
- Support multiple files option
npm install angi-file
bower install angi-file
Click Here to see running demo.
- This plugin is opensource and source code is available at github
- Source code for the demo can be seen here. Demo Source
- Include script into your index.html file.
<script src="node_modules/angi-file/dist/angi-file.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_component/angi-file/dist/angi-file.min.js"></script>
- Add dependency to you app module
angular.module ("net.sgoyal.sample",['net.sgoyal.angi-file'])
- Use it in your template file
<input multiple formats="jpg,png" type="file" ng-model="form.file" required name="file" class="form-control">
You will get your file object in your controller scope. Enjoy!!!
- your controller
(function () {
angular.module ("net.sgoyal.sample")
.controller ("AppCtrl", function ($scope) {
$scope.form = {};
//form submit handler
$scope.saveUser = function (userform) {
console.log ($scope.form.file);
if (userform.$valid)
alert ("Form saved");// will only be called if user have selected valid formats that you have configured.
- formats (pass file formats in comma seperated string you want to support. it will mark you form invalid in case of un-supported file was selected).
- multiple (to support multi file selection. Will return array of file object).
Do you want to improve it? Sounds cool. Please drop me a line at