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Releases: seasonedcc/composable-functions

v5.0.0 - Standard Schema 🦾

24 Feb 18:58
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This release, despite being a major, shouldn't break most applications.

Now you can use any parser that is standard schema compliant. Which means you are not limited to Zod anymore.

This release requires minimum zod@3.24+ or any other parser that is ready for the spec.

We also don't export ParserSchema type anymore as now we are using StandardSchemaV1 type.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.5.0...v5.0.0


12 Feb 18:32
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.5.0


19 Jul 17:43
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What's Changed

We changed the context namespace to withContext because withContext.pipe is semantic and tells what it does more than context.pipe ;). You can still use the context until the next major but it is deprecated.

We now also enforce the no-implicity-any TS error in every combinator to solve #165


Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.4.0


15 Jul 17:43
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What's Changed

We made applySchema work with plain functions. You don't have to wrap a function in composable anymore to apply a schema on it.

That means applySchema is virtually the same as withSchema which also means we can remove one of them.

In this version we decided to deprecate withSchema so we recommend that you start using applySchema instead. We will still export a deprecated version of withSchema which is just an alias to applySchema.

@diogob has also tweaked the types a lil bit so compositions should be more readable from this version onwards.


Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0

v4.2.0 - Accept plain functions in all combinators 🧘🏽

27 Jun 20:41
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A step up in DX 🤌

From this version onwards we don't need to wrap every function in composable anymore.
Every combinator will accept plain functions and make composables out of them.

const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b

// Before v4.2:
const fn = collect({ add: composable(add), toString: map(composable(add), String) })

// From v.4.2:
const fn = collect({ add, toString: map(add, String) })


Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0


27 Jun 20:39
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What's changed

Update composable-functions dependency to 4.2.


20 Jun 19:04
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Main Changes

We realized that "environments" was a concept that was not easy to grasp so we renamed it to "context", which seems to fit more with "a value that is constant throughout compositions".

We renamed every instance of environment to context, including EnvironmentError - which is now ContextError -, and isEnvironmentError to isContextError.
The legacy functions and classes are deprecated but this change shouldn't be breaking as we only plan to get rid of them at v5.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.1.0


12 Jun 18:30
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1


24 May 15:31
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Introducing Composable Functions 🎉

Today we are thrilled to announce the evolution of this library: composable-functions! 🤌

This library has been through a major revamp and it is now called composable functions.

Check out the README where there's a lot of new docs and guides on the new APIs, the benefits, and the incremental migration path from domain-functions to composable-functions.


24 May 15:24
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What's Changed

This is the last release for the package domain-functions.

From v4 onwards the package is called composable-functions.

This version was published to facilitate the incremental migration from one lib to another.

It should be a smooth upgrade and with this version the composable-functions library is already available, you should be able to work with both libraries in the same codebase.

To read more about the migration, check out the docs.

New migration helpers:

  • fromComposable: A function that turns a composable into a domain function at both type and runtime levels.
// In a module with a lot of domain functions
import { pipe, mdf, fromComposable } from 'domain-functions'
import { myFn } from './module-with-composables'

const fn = mdf()(() => "hello world")
const composition = pipe(fn, fromComposable(myFn))
  • toComposable : A function to turn your domain functions into composables. It should work at both type and runtime levels.
// In a module with composables
import { pipe, composable } from 'composable-functions'
import { toComposable } from 'domain-functions'
import { myFn } from './module-with-dfs'

const fn = composable(() => "hello world")
const composition = pipe(fn, toComposable(myFn))

Breaking changes

  • If you throw a string or any object that does not extend Error, the message in the Result type will be encoded as JSON.
const handler = mdf(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(() => {
  throw 'Error'

const result = await handler({ id: 1 })
/* result will contain: 
  success: false,
  errors: [{ message: '"Error"' }], 
  inputErrors: [],
  environmentErrors: []

When throwing something like {aCustomObject: 'my message'} this would also be encoded in the message field.

The recommended solution is to use instances of Error, however, you can use something like => {...e, message: JSON.parse(e.message)}) if this pattern is common in your code for a smooth migration.