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lib: Requalify: better document annotation
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Previous attempts to update the code to allow ctrl+clicking on names
resulted in markup overlap errors for arch_requalify commands.
This was due to a misconception that YXML strings already containing
correct position information (e.g. obtained via Parse.const) would
be used directly by Proof_context.read_const/read_type_name. This is not
the case. Instead, position information is adjusted for the content
length, and since we add a prefix for L4V_ARCH, we got annotation that
did not match the document text.

After hours of digging to uncover the above issue, we get this:
* the "check_parsed_nm" in gen_requalify was not an extra check, but a
  hook to do document annotation; updated comments
* use Proof_Context.check_const/check_type_name with user-supplied name
  and parsed position of, and manually report resulting markup
  (do not use previously resolved name as it could point to a hidden
* since the above works for arch_requalify_const, the normal
  requalify_const becomes a simpler instance of it
* the whole Parse.const/Parse.typ was a red herring and ultimately did
  not add anything to the code except for read_const/read_type_name
  interaction; removed

The resulting code is simpler; large cautionary comments remain for
future generations.

Signed-off-by: Rafal Kolanski <>
  • Loading branch information
Xaphiosis committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent 92971ee commit a82a5b4
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 40 deletions.
84 changes: 44 additions & 40 deletions lib/Requalify.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,21 +98,26 @@ val arch_global_opts = Scan.optional (Args.parens arch_suffix) ""
fun gen_requalify get_proper_nm parse_nm check_parsed_nm alias_fn arch =
fun gen_requalify get_proper_nm check_parsed_nm alias_fn arch =
val options = if arch then arch_options else generic_options
(Parse.opt_target -- options -- Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position (Scan.ahead parse_nm --
(Parse.opt_target -- options -- Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position
>> (fn ((target, (aliasing, arch_suffix)), names) =>
Toplevel.local_theory NONE target (fn lthy =>
val global_ctxt = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy |> Proof_Context.init_global
fun requalify_entry ((entry, orig_name), pos) lthy =
fun requalify_entry (orig_name, pos) lthy =
val name = if arch then arch_prefix arch_suffix ^ "." ^ orig_name else orig_name
val local_name = get_proper_nm lthy name;
val _ = check_parsed_nm lthy (entry, (local_name, pos));
(* Look up name again for purposes of document markup (i.e. ctrl+click on names).
Do not use the resolved qualified local_name, because while it is somehow possible to
create aliases/bindings to consts/type names that have been hidden with
hide_const/hide_type, attempting to use them with check_const/check_type_name will
fail with "Inaccessible" errors. *)
val _ = check_parsed_nm lthy (name, pos);
(* Check whether the short (base) name is already available in theory context if no
locale target is supplied and the "aliasing" option is not supplied.
Expand All @@ -136,48 +141,52 @@ val get_const_nm = ((fst o dest_Const) oo (Proof_Context.read_const {proper = tr
val get_type_nm = ((fst o dest_Type) oo (Proof_Context.read_type_name {proper = true, strict = false}))
val get_fact_nm = (fst oo global_fact)
(* For a theorem name, we want to additionally make sure that global fact names found by
global_fact are accessible in the current context. *)
fun check_fact lthy (_, (nm, pos)) = Proof_Context.get_fact lthy (Facts.Named ((nm,pos), NONE))
(* For the arch_requalify commands, we prefix the const/type name based on L4V_ARCH and A/H option.
This means we have to be careful when resolving names and marking up the document.
(* replace text in all Text nodes in YXML-encoded string entry with new_text *)
fun replace_yxml_text new_text =
fun tree_text (XML.Text _) = XML.Text new_text
| tree_text (XML.Elem (node, trees)) = (XML.Elem (node, map tree_text trees))
YXML.string_of o tree_text o YXML.parse
What is completely non-obvious is that Proof_Context.read_const and Proof_Context.read_type_name
are sensitive to YXML markup information embedded in the supplied string. When such information
is available, they will use it to mark up the document. However, in the process they will invoke
Input.source_content, which will make sure that the position information conforms to the content
length. This is *bad news* for arch_requalify, because when the user asks for "name", we treat it
as something like "".
So if we use Parse.const/Parse.typ we'll get an annotated string:
<input delimited="false" offset="27" end_offset="31" ...>name</input>
If we tweak "name" to become "" instead, the read_const/read_type_name functions will
sync the length and attempt to annotate it as:
<input delimited="false" offset="27" end_offset="36" ...>name</input>
which is a larger range than the user gave us, leading to errors about overlapping ranges.
This means that the nice option of using Parse.const + Proof_Context.read_const can't be used
(* These versions, prior to resolving the const/type name, override that name in the parsed
YXML-encoded string entry with a name that will actually resolve to something, while preserving
other parse data such as parsed document location.
This updates the document markup at the original parse location of entry with a reference to the
const/type named by "name", allowing the user to ctrl+click to jump to the const/type definition.
Instead, we use Proof_Context.check_const/check_type_name on user-supplied names along with the
position from Parse.position to get markup reports which we apply manually.
For example, if the user requested "arch_requalify_consts (A) some_const", then they are
targeting something like "ARM_A.some_const", and expect to be able to jump to its definition.
For theorems, document annotation appears to be included in Proof_context.get_fact. *)
This isn't necessary for facts, as those use parsed position of "name" directly via
Proof_Context.get_fact, which appears not available for read_const/read_type_name. *)
fun arch_const_nm lthy entry name = get_const_nm lthy (replace_yxml_text name entry)
fun arch_type_nm lthy entry name = get_type_nm lthy (replace_yxml_text name entry)
fun check_const lthy (nm, pos) =
Proof_Context.check_const {proper = true, strict = false} lthy (nm, [pos])
|> #2 |> Context_Position.reports @{context}
fun check_type_name lthy (nm, pos) =
Proof_Context.check_type_name {proper = true, strict = false} lthy (nm, pos)
|> #2 |> Context_Position.reports @{context}
fun check_fact lthy (nm, pos) = Proof_Context.get_fact lthy (Facts.Named ((nm, pos), NONE))
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_consts} "alias const with current naming"
(gen_requalify get_const_nm Parse.const (fn lthy => fn (e, _) => get_const_nm lthy e) const_alias
(gen_requalify get_const_nm check_const const_alias false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_types} "alias type with current naming"
(gen_requalify get_type_nm Parse.typ (fn lthy => fn (e, _) => get_type_nm lthy e) type_alias
(gen_requalify get_type_nm check_type_name type_alias false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_facts} "alias fact with current naming"
(gen_requalify get_fact_nm Parse.thm check_fact alias_fact false)
(gen_requalify get_fact_nm check_fact alias_fact false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword global_naming} "change global naming of context block"
Expand All @@ -188,27 +197,22 @@ val _ =
(* Arch variants use the L4V_ARCH variable and an additional A/H option, so that when L4V_ARCH=ARM
"arch_requalify_consts (H) const" becomes "requalify_consts ARM_H.const"
This allows them to be used in a architecture-generic theory.
For consts and types, we need to perform text replacement in the YXML entry to combine the parse
location with the right const/type name (see arch_const_nm and arch_type_nm). *)
This allows them to be used in a architecture-generic theory. *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_consts}
"alias const with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
(gen_requalify get_const_nm Parse.const (fn lthy => fn (e, (nm, _)) => arch_const_nm lthy e nm)
const_alias true)
(gen_requalify get_const_nm check_const const_alias true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_types}
"alias type with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
(gen_requalify get_type_nm Parse.typ (fn lthy => fn (e, (nm, _)) => arch_type_nm lthy e nm)
type_alias true)
(gen_requalify get_type_nm check_type_name type_alias true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_facts}
"alias fact with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
(gen_requalify get_fact_nm Parse.thm check_fact alias_fact true)
(gen_requalify get_fact_nm check_fact alias_fact true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_global_naming}
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