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rt crefine: prove several ccorres rules related to unbinding
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Signed-off-by: Michael McInerney <>
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michaelmcinerney committed Sep 12, 2024
1 parent bb4cfd6 commit 9e3c801
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Showing 4 changed files with 211 additions and 34 deletions.
212 changes: 201 additions & 11 deletions proof/crefine/RISCV64/Finalise_C.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2740,30 +2740,220 @@ lemma prepareThreadDelete_ccorres:
apply fastforce

lemma option_to_ctcb_ptr_canonical:
"\<lbrakk>pspace_canonical' s; tcb_at' tcb s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> option_to_ctcb_ptr (Some tcb)
= tcb_Ptr (sign_extend canonical_bit (ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb)))"
apply (clarsimp simp: option_to_ctcb_ptr_def)
apply (frule (1) obj_at'_is_canonical)
by (fastforce dest: canonical_address_tcb_ptr
simp: obj_at'_def objBits_simps' projectKOs canonical_address_sign_extended

lemma bindNTFN_alignment_junk:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned tcb tcbBlockSizeBits; bits \<le> ctcb_size_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb) && ~~ mask bits = ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb)"
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr_def projectKOs)
apply (rule is_aligned_neg_mask_eq)
apply (erule aligned_add_aligned)
apply (erule is_aligned_weaken[rotated])
by (auto simp add: is_aligned_def objBits_defs ctcb_offset_defs)

lemma schedContext_unbindNtfn_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and sc_at' scPtr) \<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> []
(invs' and sc_at' scPtr) \<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> hs
(schedContextUnbindNtfn scPtr) (Call schedContext_unbindNtfn_'proc)"
sorry (* FIXME RT: schedContext_unbindNtfn_ccorres *)
supply Collect_const[simp del]
apply (cinit lift: sc_')
apply (rule ccorres_stateAssert)
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getObject_sc, rename_tac sc)
apply (rule_tac val="from_bool True"
and R="sc_at' scPtr and no_0_obj'"
and R'=UNIV
and xf'=ret__int_'
in ccorres_symb_exec_r_known_rv)
apply (rule conseqPre, vcg)
apply (fastforce split: if_splits)
apply ceqv
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (rule ccorres_move_c_guard_sc)
apply (rule_tac val="from_bool (scNtfn sc \<noteq> None)"
and R="ko_at' sc scPtr and no_0_obj' and valid_objs'"
and R'=UNIV
and xf'=ret__int_'
in ccorres_symb_exec_r_known_rv)
apply (rule conseqPre, vcg)
apply (clarsimp split: if_splits)
apply (frule (1) obj_at_cslift_sc)
apply (frule (1) sc_ko_at_valid_objs_valid_sc')
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI impI allI)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps csched_context_relation_def option_to_ptr_def
split: option.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps csched_context_relation_def option_to_ptr_def
option_to_0_def valid_sched_context'_def
split: option.splits)
apply ceqv
apply (simp add: option.case_eq_if)
apply (subst if_swap)
apply (rule ccorres_cond_both'[where Q=\<top> and Q'="\<top>"])
apply fastforce
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getNotification, rename_tac ntfn)
apply (rule_tac P="\<lambda>s. invs' s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> ko_at' sc scPtr s \<and> ko_at' ntfn (the (scNtfn sc)) s"
and P'=UNIV
in ccorres_split_nothrow_novcg)
apply (rule ccorres_from_vcg[where rrel=dc and xf=xfdc])
apply (rule allI, rule conseqPre, vcg)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac ntfnPtr)
apply (frule cmap_relation_ntfn)
apply (frule (1) obj_at_cslift_sc)
apply (frule (1) invs'_ko_at_valid_sched_context')
apply normalise_obj_at'
apply (rename_tac sc')
apply (erule (1) cmap_relation_ko_atE)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (erule h_t_valid_clift)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps' csched_context_relation_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: setNotification_def split_def)
apply (rule bexI[OF _ setObject_eq])
apply (simp add: rf_sr_def cstate_relation_def Let_def init_def
cpspace_relation_def update_ntfn_map_tos
csched_context_relation_def typ_heap_simps')
apply (prop_tac "scNotification_C sc' = ntfn_Ptr ntfnPtr", simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI)
apply (rule cpspace_relation_ntfn_update_ntfn, assumption+)
apply (clarsimp simp: cnotification_relation_def Let_def split: ntfn.splits)
apply fastforce
apply (simp add: refill_buffer_relation_def image_def dom_def Let_def typ_heap_simps
apply (simp add: carch_state_relation_def)
apply (simp add: cmachine_state_relation_def)
apply (simp add: h_t_valid_clift_Some_iff)
apply (simp add: objBits_simps')
apply (simp add: objBits_simps)
apply assumption
apply ceqv
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccorres_move_c_guard_sc)
apply (rule updateSchedContext_ccorres_lemma2[where P=\<top>])
apply vcg
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac sc'="scNotification_C_update (\<lambda>_. NULL) sc'"
in rf_sr_sc_update_no_refill_buffer_update2;
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps')
apply (clarsimp simp: csched_context_relation_def)
apply (fastforce intro: refill_buffer_relation_sc_no_refills_update)
apply clarsimp
apply (wpsimp wp: hoare_vcg_conj_lift)
apply (clarsimp simp: guard_is_UNIV_def)
apply (rule ccorres_return_Skip)
apply vcg
apply vcg
apply (fastforce simp: sym_refs_asrt_def)

lemma schedContext_unbindTCB_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and sc_at' scPtr) (\<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> \<inter> \<lbrace>\<acute>tcb = tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcbPtr\<rbrace>) []
(schedContextUnbindTCB scPtr) (Call schedContext_unbindTCB_'proc)"
sorry (* FIXME RT: schedContext_unbindTCB_ccorres *)
(invs' and (\<lambda>s. weak_sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s) and sc_at' scPtr) \<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> hs
(schedContextUnbindTCB scPtr) (Call schedContext_unbindTCB_'proc)"
apply (cinit lift: sc_')
apply (rule ccorres_stateAssert)+
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getObject_sc, rename_tac sc)
apply (rule ccorres_assert2)
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getCurThread)
apply (rule_tac val="tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr (the (scTCB sc))"
and R="ko_at' sc scPtr and no_0_obj' and valid_objs'"
and R'=UNIV
and xf'=tcb_'
in ccorres_symb_exec_r_known_rv)
apply (rule conseqPre, vcg, clarsimp)
apply (frule (1) obj_at_cslift_sc)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps csched_context_relation_def option_to_ctcb_ptr_def)
apply ceqv
apply (rule_tac r'=dc and xf'=xfdc in ccorres_split_nothrow)
apply (simp add: when_def)
apply (rule_tac R="\<lambda>s. cur = ksCurThread s" in ccorres_cond)
apply (fastforce dest: rf_sr_ksCurThread)
apply (ctac add: rescheduleRequired_ccorres)
apply (rule ccorres_return_Skip)
apply ceqv
apply (ctac add: tcbSchedDequeue_ccorres)
apply (ctac add: tcbReleaseRemove_ccorres)
apply (rule_tac r'=dc and xf'=xfdc in ccorres_split_nothrow)
apply (rule_tac P'="ko_at' sc scPtr and valid_objs'"
in threadSet_ccorres_lemma3[where P=\<top>])
apply vcg
apply clarsimp
apply (frule (1) sc_ko_at_valid_objs_valid_sc')
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps valid_sched_context'_def valid_bound_obj'_def
split: option.splits)
apply (fastforce elim!: rf_sr_tcb_update_no_queue_gen2
simp: typ_heap_simps' ctcb_relation_def tcb_cte_cases_def
apply ceqv
apply (rule updateSchedContext_ccorres_lemma2[where P=\<top>])
apply vcg
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps')
apply (rule_tac sc'="scTcb_C_update (\<lambda>_. NULL) sc'"
in rf_sr_sc_update_no_refill_buffer_update2;
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps')
apply (clarsimp simp: csched_context_relation_def option_to_ctcb_ptr_def)
apply (fastforce intro: refill_buffer_relation_sc_no_refills_update)
apply wpsimp
apply vcg
apply wpsimp
apply (vcg exspec=tcbReleaseRemove_modifies)
apply wpsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (vcg exspec=tcbSchedDequeue_modifies)
apply wpsimp
apply (vcg exspec=rescheduleRequired_modifies)
apply vcg
apply (fastforce dest: invs_valid_objs' sc_ko_at_valid_objs_valid_sc'
simp: valid_sched_context'_def split: option.splits if_splits)

lemma schedContext_unbindAllTCBs_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and (\<lambda>s. weak_sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s) and sc_at' scPtr) \<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> hs
(schedContextUnbindAllTCBs scPtr) (Call schedContext_unbindAllTCBs_'proc)"
apply (cinit lift: sc_')
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getObject_sc, rename_tac sc)
apply (rule ccorres_move_c_guard_sc)
apply (clarsimp simp: when_def)
apply (rule_tac R="ko_at' sc scPtr and valid_objs' and no_0_obj'" in ccorres_cond)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule (1) obj_at_cslift_sc)
apply (frule (1) sc_ko_at_valid_objs_valid_sc')
apply normalise_obj_at'
by (fastforce dest!: tcb_at_not_NULL
simp: typ_heap_simps valid_sched_context'_def valid_bound_obj'_def
csched_context_relation_def option_to_ctcb_ptr_def
split: option.splits)
apply (ctac add: schedContext_unbindTCB_ccorres)
apply (rule ccorres_return_Skip)
apply fastforce

lemma schedContext_completeYieldTo_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and tcb_at' tptr) \<lbrace>\<acute>yielder = tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tptr\<rbrace> []
(schedContextCompleteYieldTo tptr) (Call schedContext_completeYieldTo_'proc)"
sorry (* FIXME RT: schedContext_completeYieldTo_ccorres *)

lemma schedContext_unbindAllTCBs_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and sc_at' scPtr) \<lbrace>\<acute>sc = Ptr scPtr\<rbrace> []
(schedContextUnbindAllTCBs scPtr) (Call schedContext_unbindAllTCBs_'proc)"
sorry (* FIXME RT: schedContext_unbindAllTCBs_ccorres *)

lemma finaliseCap_ccorres:
ccorres (\<lambda>rv rv'. ccap_relation (fst rv) (finaliseCap_ret_C.remainder_C rv')
Expand Down
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions proof/crefine/RISCV64/Tcb_C.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3943,24 +3943,6 @@ sorry (* FIXME RT: decodeSetIPCBuffer_ccorres
apply clarsimp
done *)

lemma bindNTFN_alignment_junk:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned tcb tcbBlockSizeBits; bits \<le> ctcb_size_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb) && ~~ mask bits = ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb)"
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr_def projectKOs)
apply (rule is_aligned_neg_mask_eq)
apply (erule aligned_add_aligned)
apply (erule is_aligned_weaken[rotated])
by (auto simp add: is_aligned_def objBits_defs ctcb_offset_defs)

lemma option_to_ctcb_ptr_canonical:
"\<lbrakk>pspace_canonical' s; tcb_at' tcb s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
option_to_ctcb_ptr (Some tcb) = tcb_Ptr (sign_extend canonical_bit (ptr_val (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb)))"
apply (clarsimp simp: option_to_ctcb_ptr_def)
apply (frule (1) obj_at'_is_canonical)
by (fastforce dest: canonical_address_tcb_ptr
simp: obj_at'_def objBits_simps' projectKOs canonical_address_sign_extended

lemma bindNotification_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc (invs' and (\<lambda>s. sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)) and tcb_at' tcb)
(UNIV \<inter> {s. tcb_' s = tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr tcb}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion proof/refine/RISCV64/CNodeInv_R.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ lemma suspend_ctes_of_thread:
apply (case_tac cte, simp)

crunches setConsumed, schedContextCompleteYieldTo, unbindNotification, unbindFromSC
crunch setConsumed, schedContextCompleteYieldTo, unbindNotification, unbindFromSC
for ctes_of[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ctes_of s)"
(simp: crunch_simps wp: crunch_wps)

Expand Down
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions proof/refine/RISCV64/Finalise_R.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2991,7 +2991,7 @@ lemma tcbSchedContext_update_update_tcb_cte_cases:
unfolding tcb_cte_cases_def
by (case_tac tcb; fastforce simp: objBits_simps')

crunches schedContextUnbindTCB
crunch schedContextUnbindTCB
for ex_nonz_cap_to'[wp]: "ex_nonz_cap_to' ptr"
and if_unsafe_then_cap'[wp]: if_unsafe_then_cap'
(wp: threadSet_ifunsafe'T threadSet_cap_to simp: tcbSchedContext_update_update_tcb_cte_cases)
Expand All @@ -3015,7 +3015,7 @@ lemma schedContextUnbindTCB_if_live_then_nonz_cap'[wp]:
unfolding schedContextUnbindTCB_def
by wpsimp

crunches schedContextUnbindTCB
crunch schedContextUnbindTCB, schedContextBindTCB
for valid_bitmaps[wp]: valid_bitmaps
and valid_replies'[wp]: valid_replies'
and pspace_in_kernel_mappings'[wp]: pspace_in_kernel_mappings'
Expand All @@ -3032,9 +3032,14 @@ crunches schedContextUnbindTCB
and ksCurDomain[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksCurDomain s)"
and ksDomSchedule[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
and ksDomScheduleIdx[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomScheduleIdx s)"
and pspace_aligned'[wp]: pspace_aligned'
and pspace_distinct'[wp]: pspace_distinct'
and pspace_bounded'[wp]: pspace_bounded'
and pspace_canonical'[wp]: pspace_canonical'
and typ_at'[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)"
(wp: crunch_wps valid_mdb'_lift getTCB_wp simp: crunch_simps o_def)

crunches schedContextUnbindTCB
crunch schedContextUnbindTCB
for sym_heap_sched_pointers[wp]: sym_heap_sched_pointers
and valid_sched_pointers[wp]: valid_sched_pointers
and untyped_ranges_zero'[wp]: untyped_ranges_zero'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3885,7 +3890,7 @@ lemma schedContextUnbindReply_invs'[wp]:
objBits_simps' refillSize_def)

crunches schedContextUnbindAllTCBs
crunch schedContextUnbindAllTCBs
for invs'[wp]: invs'

lemma finaliseCap_invs:
Expand Down

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