First Step Create a .env file
In the .env file add the OPENAI_API_KEY (OpenAI API Key provided in the Slack)
and PERPLEXITY_API_KEY [Add your own]
Format is OPENAI_API_KEY = "add_key_here"
RUN: pip install -r requirements.txt
RUN (to launch the interface) streamlit run
How To Add Your Function to the Framework
In there are three tasks.
Import your function
Add your function description to the def get_tools(self): function. tools = [ { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "general_purpose_knowledge_search", "description": "Search for general knowledge about Carnegie Mellon University.", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "search_query": { "type": "string", "description": "The query to search for general knowledge." } }, "required": ["search_query"], "additionalProperties": False }, "strict": True # Enabling Structured Outputs } }, ] return tools
Make your function executable by our system
def execute_function(self, function_name, arguments):
if function_name == 'general_purpose_knowledge_search':
return self.general_purpose_knowledge_search(arguments.get('search_query'))
#Add elif statements here
return {"error": "Function not found."}
# Define the functions (simulate the functionality)
def general_purpose_knowledge_search(self, search_query):
# Use Perplexity API for general knowledge searches
def get_functions_called(self):
return self.functions_called
1. **Add elif statements to check if function_name == 'add_your_function_name'**
2. Def a new helper function that calls your function if following with previous format/approach