The sources in this repository are research results that was presented in SCIS2025 at Kita-kyushu city in Japan. The research results are new variants of BKZ with provably termination PotBKZ and its dual version and self-dual version.
Specifically, BKZ algorithm[SE94] outputs much better lattice basis than, for example, LLL algorithm[LLL82]. But as trade-off, BKZ algorithm is exponentially on lattice dimension and is not guaranteed terminating.
PotBKZ, its dual version, and its self-dual version are new variants of BKZ algorithm that terminates polynomaial tour on lattice dimension by monotonically decreasing potential of lattice basis.
- [LLL82] Arjen Klaas Lenstra and Hendrik Willem Lenstra and László Lovász, "Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients", 1982
- [SE94] Claus-Peter Schnorr and Martin Euchner, "Lattice basis reduction: Improved practical algorithms and solving subset sum problems", 1994