This is a Vagrant project powered by Chef to bring up a local Riak cluster.
Each node can run either Ubuntu 12.04
or CentOS 6.5
64-bit with 1024MB
of RAM by default. If you want to change the operating system or tune VM
resources, you'll have to edit the Vagrantfile
Download and install Vagrant via the Vagrant installer.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-riak-cluster
$ export RIAK_NODES=3
$ export RIAK_CACHE=1 # Makes use of vagrant-cachier plugin
$ vagrant up
– The number of node you want to spin up (default:3
– The operating system you want to use (CENTOS
, default:CENTOS
– Whether you want to allow Vagrant to use the vagrant-cachier plugin or not (default:false
Hit the HTTP statistics endpoint:
$ curl -s | python -mjson.tool
"basho_stats_version": "1.0.3",
"bitcask_version": "1.6.5-0-ga99f2f0",
"cluster_info_version": "1.2.4",
"compiler_version": "4.8.1",
"connected_nodes": [
"converge_delay_last": 53105,
"converge_delay_max": 0,
"converge_delay_mean": 0,
"converge_delay_min": 0,
"coord_redirs_total": 0,
"cpu_avg1": 0,
"cpu_avg15": 0,
"cpu_avg5": 0,
"cpu_nprocs": 316,
"crypto_version": "2.1",
"dropped_vnode_requests_total": 0,
"erlang_js_version": "1.2.2",
"erlydtl_version": "0.7.0",
"executing_mappers": 0,
"goldrush_version": "0.1.5",
"gossip_received": 5,
"handoff_timeouts": 0,
"ignored_gossip_total": 0,
"index_fsm_active": 0,
"index_fsm_create": 0,
"index_fsm_create_error": 0,
"inets_version": "5.9",
"kernel_version": "2.15.1",
"lager_version": "2.0.1",
"leveldb_read_block_error": "undefined",
"list_fsm_active": 0,
"list_fsm_create": 0,
"list_fsm_create_error": 0,
"mem_allocated": 467865600,
"mem_total": 1044668416,
"memory_atom": 504409,
"memory_atom_used": 480485,
"memory_binary": 57896,
"memory_code": 10707652,
"memory_ets": 5401760,
"memory_processes": 2517815,
"memory_processes_used": 2516982,
"memory_system": 49784361,
"memory_total": 52302176,
"merge_index_version": "1.3.2-0-gcb38ee7",
"mochiweb_version": "1.5.1p6",
"node_get_fsm_active": 0,
"node_get_fsm_active_60s": 0,
"node_get_fsm_in_rate": 0,
"node_get_fsm_objsize_100": 0,
"node_get_fsm_objsize_95": 0,
"node_get_fsm_objsize_99": 0,
"node_get_fsm_objsize_mean": 0,
"node_get_fsm_objsize_median": 0,
"node_get_fsm_out_rate": 0,
"node_get_fsm_rejected": 0,
"node_get_fsm_rejected_60s": 0,
"node_get_fsm_rejected_total": 0,
"node_get_fsm_siblings_100": 0,
"node_get_fsm_siblings_95": 0,
"node_get_fsm_siblings_99": 0,
"node_get_fsm_siblings_mean": 0,
"node_get_fsm_siblings_median": 0,
"node_get_fsm_time_100": 0,
"node_get_fsm_time_95": 0,
"node_get_fsm_time_99": 0,
"node_get_fsm_time_mean": 0,
"node_get_fsm_time_median": 0,
"node_gets": 0,
"node_gets_total": 0,
"node_put_fsm_active": 0,
"node_put_fsm_active_60s": 0,
"node_put_fsm_in_rate": 0,
"node_put_fsm_out_rate": 0,
"node_put_fsm_rejected": 0,
"node_put_fsm_rejected_60s": 0,
"node_put_fsm_rejected_total": 0,
"node_put_fsm_time_100": 0,
"node_put_fsm_time_95": 0,
"node_put_fsm_time_99": 0,
"node_put_fsm_time_mean": 0,
"node_put_fsm_time_median": 0,
"node_puts": 0,
"node_puts_total": 0,
"nodename": "",
"os_mon_version": "2.2.9",
"pbc_active": 0,
"pbc_connects": 0,
"pbc_connects_total": 0,
"pipeline_active": 0,
"pipeline_create_count": 0,
"pipeline_create_error_count": 0,
"pipeline_create_error_one": 0,
"pipeline_create_one": 0,
"postcommit_fail": 0,
"precommit_fail": 0,
"public_key_version": "0.15",
"read_repairs": 0,
"read_repairs_total": 0,
"rebalance_delay_last": 0,
"rebalance_delay_max": 0,
"rebalance_delay_mean": 0,
"rebalance_delay_min": 0,
"rejected_handoffs": 0,
"riak_api_version": "1.4.4-0-g395e6fd",
"riak_control_version": "1.4.4-0-g9a74e57",
"riak_core_stat_ts": 1389717990,
"riak_core_version": "1.4.4",
"riak_kv_stat_ts": 1389717990,
"riak_kv_version": "1.4.7-0-g5daeedd",
"riak_kv_vnodeq_max": 0,
"riak_kv_vnodeq_mean": 0,
"riak_kv_vnodeq_median": 0,
"riak_kv_vnodeq_min": 0,
"riak_kv_vnodeq_total": 0,
"riak_kv_vnodes_running": 4,
"riak_pipe_stat_ts": 1389717989,
"riak_pipe_version": "1.4.4-0-g7f390f3",
"riak_pipe_vnodeq_max": 0,
"riak_pipe_vnodeq_mean": 0,
"riak_pipe_vnodeq_median": 0,
"riak_pipe_vnodeq_min": 0,
"riak_pipe_vnodeq_total": 0,
"riak_pipe_vnodes_running": 4,
"riak_search_version": "1.4.7-0-g2a44e2f",
"riak_sysmon_version": "1.1.3",
"ring_creation_size": 8,
"ring_members": [
"ring_num_partitions": 8,
"ring_ownership": "[{'',2},\n {'',2},\n {'',4}]",
"rings_reconciled": 0,
"rings_reconciled_total": 12,
"runtime_tools_version": "1.8.8",
"sasl_version": "2.2.1",
"sidejob_version": "0.2.0",
"ssl_version": "5.0.1",
"stdlib_version": "1.18.1",
"storage_backend": "riak_kv_bitcask_backend",
"syntax_tools_version": "1.6.8",
"sys_driver_version": "2.0",
"sys_global_heaps_size": 0,
"sys_heap_type": "private",
"sys_logical_processors": 2,
"sys_otp_release": "R15B01",
"sys_process_count": 353,
"sys_smp_support": true,
"sys_system_architecture": "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
"sys_system_version": "Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]",
"sys_thread_pool_size": 64,
"sys_threads_enabled": true,
"sys_wordsize": 8,
"vnode_gets": 0,
"vnode_gets_total": 0,
"vnode_index_deletes": 0,
"vnode_index_deletes_postings": 0,
"vnode_index_deletes_postings_total": 0,
"vnode_index_deletes_total": 0,
"vnode_index_reads": 0,
"vnode_index_reads_total": 0,
"vnode_index_refreshes": 0,
"vnode_index_refreshes_total": 0,
"vnode_index_writes": 0,
"vnode_index_writes_postings": 0,
"vnode_index_writes_postings_total": 0,
"vnode_index_writes_total": 0,
"vnode_puts": 0,
"vnode_puts_total": 0,
"webmachine_version": "1.10.4-0-gfcff795"
Note: is a service that provides wildcard DNS for any (public or private) IP address.
Standing up a local Riak cluster within Vagrant is better than make devrel
- It installs Riak on the operating system you intend to deploy on in production
- It uses the actual packages you'll deploy with in production
- It allows you to test failure scenarios that include the machine (failed disks, network partitions, etc.)
Standing up a local Riak cluster within Vagrant is worse than make devrel
- It takes longer (minutes) to stand up a cluster
- It uses more resources on your local machine
- It involves VirtualBox