Simple implementation of a MPI parallel program for very basic image processing algorithm with C and MPI. The input are files representing the output from a very simple edge-detection algorithm applied to a greyscale image. The objective is to do the reverse operation and construct the initial image given the edges.
Compile with:
> gcc mpi_image_processing.c pgmio.h pgmio.c -lmsmpi -o mpi_image_processing.exe
Run with:
> mpiexec -n 4 mpi_image_processing.exe
where -n x
sets the number of processes
Setup for windows:
- Install MinGW
- Install MS-MPI
- Adapt MS-MPI for MinGW
- Create the
library with the MinGW64 toolsgendef
> gendef msmpi.dll # generate msmpi.def > dlltool -d msmpi.def -D msmpi.dll -l libmsmpi.a # generate the (static) library file libmsmpi.a
- Copy the new library to where g++ looks for them, e.g.
- Modify the header file
. Add#include <stdint.h>
abovetypedef __int64 MPI_Aint
- Copy the modified header file
to the default include folder e.g./mingw64/include
For more details see: