Extract details from Sri Lankan National ID card number
💻😍 Online Demo : https://sri-lanka-nic-details-extractor.netlify.app/
-01 What is this?
-02 For why?
-03 What are the technologies used?
-04 How to used this?
This is a tool for check your National Identity Card & extract details from it.
If we want to know someone's Birthday & Gender by using his/her NIC number we can use this tool.
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
Just type the NIC number in the given text field & click the Extract Details button. If you need to reset the text field or reload the page click the Reset button.
If you enter an OLD NIC number you will get the This is an OLD NIC label. OLD NIC number should contain 9 numeric characters & one single alphabet letter v or V.
Example :- 981732837V or 981732837v
If you enter a NEW NIC number you will get the This is a NEW NIC label. The NEW NIC number should contain 12 numeric characters only.
Example :- 199817302837 or 199817302837
If you enter an invalid NIC number to the text field you will get the error "Please enter valid NIC number".