A web application built with Vue 3 that displays and manages a large dataset
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This application is deployed on Vercel and can be accessed here
- Coming from a React background, the organization of component logic in Vue 3 with Composition API felt closer to the usage of functional components and hooks in React.
- Better typescript support
- Why not start with the latest, especially when you are new to the framework.
- Implemented modular, component-based architecture with Typescript.
- Leveraged Composition API for better and readable code organization
- Handled State management using Pinia for centralized data fetching and storage for users.
- Used the below folder structure for better code navigation
├── src
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── common
│ │ │ ├── Search.vue
│ │ │ └── Table.vue
│ │ └── UserList.vue
│ ├── constants
│ ├── interfaces
│ ├── router
│ ├── services
│ ├── stores
│ ├── utilities
│ ├── views
- Separate components for Search and Table for component reusability and separation of concerns.
- Different folders for different parts of the code to ensure that related functionalities are grouped together.
Complete documentation can be viewed here