A geo-informatics project to keep track of different animal species and visualize factors related to them
- QGIS 3.10.3
- MapLibrary plugin
- TimeManager plugin
For viewing the plot of the layer click the checkbox of respective layers
- TIN interpolation - Viewing the plots of black flying fox in an unknown region by using TIN Interpolation
- Path Northern Pintail - Path view of Northern Pintail for each individual animal of that species __
- Mixed_Animals - categorised view on the basis of taxon canonical name
- Animals
- Unclustered Categorized - Initial plot of data with categorised view on the basis of sex
- Clustered - Clustered view of data
- nearestPopulated place - Line connecting each plot of animal data to its nearest populated place
- nearestRiversLakes - Line connecting each plot of animal data to its nearest rivers/lakes
- AreaCoveredbyZebraElephant - Polygon layer for visualizing area covered by Zebra and Elephant
- Buffer Analysis - Buffer analysis for visualizing flying fox flying within 15km of populated places
For visualizing this layer change the project CRS to EPSG:25386 and zoom to layer flyingFoxWithin15kms
- ne_10m_populated_place_simple - plot of populated places
- ne_10m_rivers_lake_centerline - Line plot of rivers and lakes centerline
- Google Satellite - Base Map
- flyingFox3d
- x-axis - Latitude
- Y-axis - Longitude
- Z-axis - Number of hours
- ibisScatterPlot
- x-axis - Latitude
- Y-axis - Longitude
- nearestPopSavannahSparrowPlot
- x-axis - Nearest river/lake name
- Y-axis - Distance of Savannah Sparrow from that river/lake
- nearestPopWhalePLot
- x-axis - HubName(populated place)
- Y-axis - HubDist(distance from populated place)
- nearestRiverIbis
- x-axis - Nearest river/lake name
- Y-axis - Distance of American Ibis from that river/lake