This script automates the installation of oh-my-zsh, zsh-autosuggestion, and customizes the terminal look like Kali terminal on any distribution and also in Termux.
- Install wget, zsh and git first
apt install wget git zsh -y
wget && bash
A simple script to make some basic setup in freshly install fedora, like:-
- Install all basic drivers , multimedia codecs
- Enable RPM Fusion
- Enable colored Emojis
- Enable Bluetooth Battery
- Install and setup zsh , zsh-syntax-highlight , zsh-autosuggestion
- Fix cursor size issue
- Enable extrem battry saver (for laptop)
- Change clock time format to 12h
- Enable fractional scaling
- Enable new window always launch in center
- Fix browsers shortcut adding issue
- You can change volume steps
- Install some usefull extension :-
- AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support by 3v1n0
- Bluetooth Quick Connect by Extensions Valhalla
- Blur my Shell by aunetx
- Bring Out Submenu Of Power Off Button by PRATAP PANABAKA
- Caffeine by eon
- Clipboard Indicator by Tudmotu
- Compiz alike magic lamp effect by hermes83
- Compiz windows effect by hermes83
- Coverflow Alt-Tab by dsheeler
- Dash to Dock by michele_g
- Emoji Copy by FelipeFTN
- Expandable Notifications by oklacity
- Gnome 4x UI Improvements by AXP
- GSConnect by dlandau
- Hide Top Bar by tuxor1337
- Night Theme Switcher by rmnvgr
- OSD Volume Number by Deminder
- Removable Drive Menu by fmuellner
- Search Light by icedman
- Tiling Assistant by Leleat
- ransparent Window Moving by Noobsai
- User Themes by fmuellner
- Vitals by corecoding
wget && bash
A simple script to change Libadwaita theme
wget && bash
- Install
pkg install openssh -y
wget && chmod +x termux-ssh && ./termux-ssh
To setup password and start ssh./termux-ssh start
To only start ssh./termux-ssh stop
To stop ssh
Make termux terminal better
wget && bash
- setup zsh with systax highltght and autosuggestion
- add new font
- add new home page
- add new color scheme
- change apt with nala
- change cat with bat
- change neofetch with fastfetch
- change ls with eza (with icons)
- change cd with zoxide
- add option to easily start and stop ssh
- extract: to extract any archive
- ftext: Searches for text in all files in the current folder
- cpg: Copy and go to the directory
- mvg: Move and go to the directory
- mkdirg: Create and go to the directory