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Testing and Debugging

patricia-patricia edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 3 revisions


Debugging microservices can be done by investigating the container log file.

  1. Click Containers/Apps
  2. Choose the container that needs to be investigated
  3. Run the cli
  4. Open log folder (cd log)
  5. Open service.log.0 (cat service.log.0)



After making a modification to the services. The service needs to be rebuilt and uploaded to the docker container.

To update the service, use the following code:

docker container stop code-gen-service
docker container rm code-gen-service
docker build CAE-Code-Generation-Service -t test/cae-code-generation-service
docker run --name "code-gen-service"^
          `--link jenkins:jenkins^
          `-e WIDGET_HOME_BASE_URL=...
          `-e HTTP_PORT
          `-e ...
          `-p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 9011:9011^


It takes time to do the same thing for the frontend, so instead of rebuilding everything entirely, we want to simply replace the some part of it using

-v c:/Users/<Path...>/CAE-Frontend/cae-app:/usr/src/app/cae-app

For example:

docker run --name cae-frontend^
          -e GIT_ORGANIZATION="<GitOrgName>"^
          -e GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENTID="<GitHubOAuthClientID>"^
          -e DEPLOYMENT_URL="http://localhost:8087"^
          -e WEBHOST="http://localhost:8070"^
          -e YJS="http://localhost:1234"^
          -e CODEGEN="http://localhost:8080/CodeGen"^
          -e CAE_BACKEND_URL="http://localhost:8081"^
          -e CODE_EDITOR_BOWER="http://localhost:8070/cae-frontend/liveCodeEditorWidget/bower_components/"^
          -p 8070:8070^
          -v c:/Users/<Path...>/CAE-Frontend/cae-app:/usr/src/app/cae-app^

The docker container contains a node_modules folder that will be replaced by the previous command. Hence before running it, run npm install inside the cae-app folder.