To use Classifier.ipynb (To train the model): Load Drive: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive/') Enter Dataset Directory: %cd ./AML_Project/Images/Training/ Run all cells sequentially.
To access the trained model:
- Enter /content/drive/My Drive/AML_Project/Images/Training.
- Load vgg16_1.h5. The model gets stored in /content/drive/My Drive/AML_Project/Images/vgg16_1.h5.
To test the model: Load the model from: /content/drive/My Drive/AML_Project/Images/vgg16_1.h5.
- Enter /content/drive/My Drive/AML_Project/Test.
- Specify the range of number of images that contain meme, text and human faces. The ranges can be manually seen( and separated) in : /content/drive/My Drive/AML_Project/Test/
- Results of the test sets are stored in the following directories: