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tcharding committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent d98ef88 commit 429023c
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

//! JSON-RPC types for `bitcoind v0.17.1`.
//! # JSON-RPC types for Bitcoin Core `v0.17.1`
//! These structs are shaped for the JSON data returned by the JSON-RPC API. They use stdlib types
//! (or custom types) and where necessary implement an `into_model` function to convert the type to
//! a [`crate::model`] type of the same name. The types in this module are version specific, the
//! a [`crate::model`] type of the same name. The types in this module are version specific. The
//! types in the `model` module are version nonspecific and are strongly typed using `rust-bitcoin`.
//! ## Key:
//! - `[ ]` Not yet done.
//! - `[i]` Implemented but not yet tested (includes `into_model`).
//! - `[x]` Implemented _and_ tested.
//! - `[-]` Intentionally not done, typically for one of the following reasons:
//! - Method does not return anything.
//! - Method returns a simple type (e.g. bool or integer).
//! - Method is deprecated.
// TODO: After all the `[i]` is gone (ie testing done) remove the backticks.
//! **== Blockchain ==**
//! - `[x]` `getbestblockhash`
//! - `[x]` `getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity ) `
//! - `[x]` `getblockchaininfo`
//! - `[x]` `getblockcount`
//! - `[x]` `getblockhash height`
//! - `[x]` `getblockheader "hash" ( verbose )`
//! - `[x]` `getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )`
//! - `[x]` `getchaintips`
//! - `[x]` `getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash )`
//! - `[x]` `getdifficulty`
//! - `[i]` `getmempoolancestors txid (verbose)`
//! - `[i]` `getmempooldescendants txid (verbose)`
//! - `[i]` `getmempoolentry txid`
//! - `[i]` `getmempoolinfo`
//! - `[i]` `getrawmempool ( verbose )`
//! - `[i]` `gettxout "txid" n ( include_mempool )`
//! - `[i]` `gettxoutproof ["txid",...] ( blockhash )`
//! - `[i]` `gettxoutsetinfo`
//! - `[-]` `preciousblock "blockhash"`
//! - `[-]` `pruneblockchain`
//! - `[-]` `savemempool`
//! - `[-]` `scantxoutset <action> ( <scanobjects> )`
//! - `[-]` `verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )`
//! - `[i]` `verifytxoutproof "proof"`
//! **== Control ==**
//! - `[x]` `getmemoryinfo ("mode")`
//! - `[-]` `help ( "command" )`
//! - `[x]` `logging ( <include> <exclude> )`
//! - `[x]` `stop`
//! - `[x]` `uptime`
//! **== Generating ==**
//! - `[x]` `generate nblocks ( maxtries )`
//! - `[x]` `generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries)`
//! **== Mining ==**
//! - `[ ]` `getblocktemplate ( TemplateRequest )`
//! - `[ ]` `getmininginfo`
//! - `[ ]` `getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height )`
//! - `[ ]` `prioritisetransaction <txid> <dummy value> <fee delta>`
//! - `[ ]` `submitblock "hexdata" ( "dummy" )`
//! **== Network ==**
//! - `[-]` `addnode "node" "add|remove|onetry"`
//! - `[-]` `clearbanned`
//! - `[-]` `disconnectnode "[address]" [nodeid]`
//! - `[x]` `getaddednodeinfo ( "node" )`
//! - `[-]` `getconnectioncount`
//! - `[x]` `getnettotals`
//! - `[x]` `getnetworkinfo`
//! - `[x]` `getpeerinfo`
//! - `[-]` `listbanned`
//! - `[-]` `ping`
//! - `[-]` `setban "subnet" "add|remove" (bantime) (absolute)`
//! - `[-]` `setnetworkactive true|false`
//! **== Rawtransactions ==**
//! - `[ ]` `combinepsbt ["psbt",...]`
//! - `[ ]` `combinerawtransaction ["hexstring",...]`
//! - `[ ]` `converttopsbt "hexstring" ( permitsigdata iswitness )`
//! - `[ ]` `createpsbt [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )`
//! - `[ ]` `createrawtransaction [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable )`
//! - `[ ]` `decodepsbt "psbt"`
//! - `[ ]` `decoderawtransaction "hexstring" ( iswitness )`
//! - `[ ]` `decodescript "hexstring"`
//! - `[ ]` `finalizepsbt "psbt" ( extract )`
//! - `[ ]` `fundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options iswitness )`
//! - `[ ]` `getrawtransaction "txid" ( verbose "blockhash" )`
//! - `[i]` `sendrawtransaction "hexstring" ( allowhighfees )`
//! - `[ ]` `signrawtransaction "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] ["privatekey1",...] sighashtype )`
//! - `[ ]` `signrawtransactionwithkey "hexstring" ["privatekey1",...] ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] sighashtype )`
//! - `[ ]` `testmempoolaccept ["rawtxs"] ( allowhighfees )`
//! **== Util ==**
//! - `[ ]` `createmultisig nrequired ["key",...] ( "address_type" )`
//! - `[ ]` `estimatesmartfee conf_target ("estimate_mode")`
//! - `[ ]` `signmessagewithprivkey "privkey" "message"`
//! - `[ ]` `validateaddress "address"`
//! - `[ ]` `verifymessage "address" "signature" "message"`
//! **== Wallet ==**
//! - `[-]` `abandontransaction "txid"`
//! - `[-]` `abortrescan`
//! - `[x]` `addmultisigaddress nrequired ["key",...] ( "label" "address_type" )`
//! - `[-]` `backupwallet "destination"`
//! - `[x]` `bumpfee "txid" ( options ) `
//! - `[x]` `createwallet "wallet_name" ( disable_private_keys )`
//! - `[x]` `dumpprivkey "address"`
//! - `[x]` `dumpwallet "filename"`
//! - `[-]` `encryptwallet "passphrase"`
//! - `[-]` `getaccount (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[-]` `getaccountaddress (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[-]` `getaddressbyaccount (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[x]` `getaddressesbylabel "label"`
//! - `[x]` `getaddressinfo "address"`
//! - `[x]` `getbalance ( "(dummy)" minconf include_watchonly )`
//! - `[x]` `getnewaddress ( "label" "address_type" )`
//! - `[x]` `getrawchangeaddress ( "address_type" )`
//! - `[-]` `getreceivedbyaccount (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[i]` `getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf )`
//! - `[x]` `gettransaction "txid" ( include_watchonly )`
//! - `[i]` `getunconfirmedbalance`
//! - `[i]` `getwalletinfo`
//! - `[-]` `importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )`
//! - `[-]` `importmulti "requests" ( "options" )`
//! - `[-]` `importprivkey "privkey" ( "label" ) ( rescan )`
//! - `[-]` `importprunedfunds`
//! - `[-]` `importpubkey "pubkey" ( "label" rescan )`
//! - `[-]` `importwallet "filename"`
//! - `[-]` `keypoolrefill ( newsize )`
//! - `[-]` `listaccounts (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[i]` `listaddressgroupings`
//! - `[i]` `listlabels ( "purpose" )`
//! - `[i]` `listlockunspent`
//! - `[-]` `listreceivedbyaccount (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[i]` `listreceivedbyaddress ( minconf include_empty include_watchonly address_filter )`
//! - `[i]` `listsinceblock ( "blockhash" target_confirmations include_watchonly include_removed )`
//! - `[i]` `listtransactions (label count skip include_watchonly)`
//! - `[i]` `listunspent ( minconf maxconf ["addresses",...] [include_unsafe] [query_options])`
//! - `[i]` `listwallets`
//! - `[x]` `loadwallet "filename"`
//! - `[-]` `lockunspent unlock ([{"txid":"txid","vout":n},...])`
//! - `[-]` `move (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcboind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[-]` `removeprunedfunds "txid"`
//! - `[x]` `rescanblockchain ("start_height") ("stop_height")`
//! - `[-]` `sendfrom (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[i]` `sendmany "" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" ["address",...] replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode")`
//! - `[x]` `sendtoaddress "address" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount replaceable conf_target "estimate_mode")`
//! - `[-]` `setaccount (Deprecated, will be removed in V0.18. To use this command, start bitcoind with -deprecatedrpc=accounts)`
//! - `[-]` `sethdseed ( "newkeypool" "seed" )`
//! - `[-]` `settxfee amount`
//! - `[i]` `signmessage "address" "message"`
//! - `[i]` `signrawtransactionwithwallet "hexstring" ( [{"txid":"id","vout":n,"scriptPubKey":"hex","redeemScript":"hex"},...] sighashtype )`
//! - `[-]` `unloadwallet ( "wallet_name" )`
//! - `[i]` `walletcreatefundedpsbt [{"txid":"id","vout":n},...] [{"address":amount},{"data":"hex"},...] ( locktime ) ( replaceable ) ( options bip32derivs )`
//! - `[-]` `walletlock`
//! - `[-]` `walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout`
//! - `[-]` `walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"`
//! - `[i]` `walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs )`
//! **== Zmq ==**
//! - `[i]` `getzmqnotifications`
//! ### Method name and implementation status
//! Every JSON-RPC method supported by this version of Bitcoin Core is listed below along with its
//! current implementation status.
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Blockchain == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | getbestblockhash | done |
//! | getblock | done |
//! | getblockchaininfo | done |
//! | getblockcount | done |
//! | getblockhash | done |
//! | getblockheader | done |
//! | getblockstats | done |
//! | getchaintips | done |
//! | getchaintxstats | done |
//! | getdifficulty | done |
//! | getmempoolancestors | done (untested) |
//! | getmempooldescendants | done (untested) |
//! | getmempoolentry | done (untested) |
//! | getmempoolinfo | done (untested) |
//! | getrawmempool | done (untested) |
//! | gettxout | done (untested) |
//! | gettxoutproof | done (untested) |
//! | gettxoutsetinfo | done (untested) |
//! | preciousblock | omitted |
//! | pruneblockchain | omitted |
//! | savemempool | omitted |
//! | scantxoutset | omitted |
//! | verifychain | omitted |
//! | verifytxoutproof | done (untested) |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Control == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | getmemoryinfo | done |
//! | help | omitted |
//! | logging | done |
//! | stop | omitted |
//! | uptime | omitted |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Generating == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | generate | done |
//! | generatetoaddress | done |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Mining == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | getblocktemplate | todo |
//! | getmininginfo | todo |
//! | getnetworkhashps | todo |
//! | prioritisetransaction | todo |
//! | submitblock | todo |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Network == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | addnode | omitted |
//! | clearbanned | omitted |
//! | disconnectnode | omitted |
//! | getaddednodeinfo | done |
//! | getconnectioncount | omitted |
//! | getnettotals | done |
//! | getnetworkinfo | done |
//! | getpeerinfo | done |
//! | listbanned | omitted |
//! | ping | omitted |
//! | setban | omitted |
//! | setnetworkactive | omitted |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Rawtransactions == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | combinepsbt | todo |
//! | combinerawtransaction | todo |
//! | converttopsbt | todo |
//! | createpsbt | todo |
//! | createrawtransaction | todo |
//! | decodepsbt | todo |
//! | decoderawtransaction | todo |
//! | decodescript | todo |
//! | finalizepsbt | todo |
//! | fundrawtransaction | todo |
//! | getrawtransaction | todo |
//! | sendrawtransaction | done (untested) |
//! | signrawtransaction | todo |
//! | signrawtransactionwithkey | todo |
//! | testmempoolaccept | todo |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Util == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | createmultisig | omitted |
//! | estimatesmartfee | omitted |
//! | signmessagewithprivkey | omitted |
//! | validateaddress | omitted |
//! | verifymessage | omitted |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Wallet == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | abandontransaction | omitted |
//! | abortrescan | omitted |
//! | addmultisigaddress | done |
//! | backupwallet | omitted |
//! | bumpfee | done |
//! | createwallet | done |
//! | dumpprivkey | done |
//! | dumpwallet | done |
//! | encryptwallet | omitted |
//! | getaccount | omitted |
//! | getaccountaddress | omitted |
//! | getaddressbyaccount | omitted |
//! | getaddressesbylabel | done |
//! | getaddressinfo | done |
//! | getbalance | done |
//! | getnewaddress | done |
//! | getrawchangeaddress | done |
//! | getreceivedbyaccount | omitted |
//! | getreceivedbyaddress | done (untested) |
//! | gettransaction | done |
//! | getunconfirmedbalance | done (untested) |
//! | getwalletinfo | done (untested) |
//! | importaddress | omitted |
//! | importmulti | omitted |
//! | importprivkey | omitted |
//! | importprunedfunds | omitted |
//! | importpubkey | omitted |
//! | importwallet | omitted |
//! | keypoolrefill | omitted |
//! | listaccounts | omitted |
//! | listaddressgroupings | done (untested) |
//! | listlabels | done (untested) |
//! | listlockunspent | done (untested) |
//! | listreceivedbyaccount | omitted |
//! | listreceivedbyaddress | done (untested) |
//! | listsinceblock | done (untested) |
//! | listtransactions | done (untested) |
//! | listunspent | done (untested) |
//! | listwallets | done (untested) |
//! | loadwallet | done |
//! | lockunspent | omitted |
//! | move | omitted |
//! | removeprunedfunds | omitted |
//! | rescanblockchain | done |
//! | sendfrom | omitted |
//! | sendmany | done (untested) |
//! | sendtoaddress | done |
//! | setaccount | omitted |
//! | sethdseed | omitted |
//! | settxfee | omitted |
//! | signmessage | done (untested) |
//! | signrawtransactionwithwallet | done (untested) |
//! | unloadwallet | omitted |
//! | walletcreatefundedpsbt | done (untested) |
//! | walletlock | omitted |
//! | walletpassphrase | omitted |
//! | walletpassphrasechange | omitted |
//! | walletprocesspsbt | done (untested) |
//! </details>
//! <details>
//! <summary> Methods from the == Zmq == section </summary>
//! | JSON-PRC Method Name | Status |
//! |:-----------------------------------|:---------------:|
//! | getzmqnotifications` | done (untested) |
//! </details>
//! **Items marked omitted were omitted because:**
//! - Method does not return anything.
//! - Method returns a simple type (e.g. bool or integer).
//! - Method is deprecated.
// JSON-RPC types by API section.
mod blockchain;
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